wpegg: That's the thing that annoys me. Not that she's cute, simply that she's not
that cute. There's plenty of willing subjects on the net that are more cute, more buxom, more slim, whatever gets your fancy. The desire to see someone's breasts in a grainy photo even though cute seems redundant.
StingingVelvet: This goes for celebrities too. There are porn girls that are amazingly attractive like Faye Reagan showing you every part of themselves from every angle, yet people still obsess over seeing Britney Spears' ass-crack. It's a strange human thing I guess, possibly related to feeling dominant somehow over the powerful?
Not to mention the fact tits are tits.
Honestly, it's silly, but it's cultural. Just like how in parts of Asia, people are completely phobic about feet. Or how around here everybody is obsessed by the fact that I'm 31 and not yet married.
In some ways it would be nice if there were some consistency, but culture isn't generally consistent with itself.
OTOH, it's fundamentally different what an individual does in private and what one does in public. People in the US aren't generally exposed to random nudity all over the place like they are in some other parts of the world.