wolfsrain: Charles Baudelaire - Spleen : Je suis comme le roi d'un pays pluvieux
Baudelaire is one of my favorites, in fact a couple of months ago I dug out my copy of Flowers of Evil and Paris Spleen, translated into English.
Here is the translated poem:
Spleen: I'm like the king of a rainy country
I'm like the king of a rainy country,
Rich but helpless, young, yet very old,
Which in his tutors contemptuous bowing,
Bored with his dogs as with other animals.
Nothing can brighten or game, or hawk,
Neither her dying in front of balcony people.
Favorite ballad grotesque clown
Do more distracted the front of the patient cruel;
Fleurdelisé bed turns into a tomb,
And ladies-in-waiting, for whom everything is beautiful prince,
No longer know find shameless toilet
To get a smile from this young skeleton.
The scientist who made him gold has never been
Of his being eradicate corrupt element,
And the bloodshed that the Romans come to us,
Which in their old age remember the powerful,
He has been able to warm this dazed cadaver
Where instead of blood flowing green water of Lethe.
And now for something completely different. I really enjoy Anglo-Saxon epic poetry. What follows is the first part of the translation of The Battle of Maldon, based upon the historical battle that took place in 991 CE between Anglo-Saxon and viking forces. The AS lost but the poem is told from the perspective of the English. What follows is a translation of the first part:
The Battle of Maldon
Translated from the Anglo-Saxon
by Wilfrid Berridge
Part I
Then he ordered each of his warriors his horse to loose
Far off to send it and forth to go,
To be mindful of his hands and of his high heart.
Then did Offa's Kinsman first know
That the earl would not brook cowardice,
Loosed he from his hands his darling to fly,
His Hawk to the wood, and to the battle strode.
From that one could tell that the chieftain would never
Weaken in the warfare - when he his weapons seized.
And after him Edric chose his chief to follow,
His friend in the fight - then 'gan he forth to bear
The spear to the strife - high spirit had he,
So long as he with his hands to hold was able
His buckler and broadsword; his boast he fulfilled
That he by his friend's side should fight.
Then did Brithnoth begin his men to bestow -
He rode up and counselled them - his soldiers he taught
How they should stand, and their standing to keep,
And bade them their round shields rightly to hold
Fast to their forearms, that they flinch not at all.
And when he had his folk fairly bestowed
He lighted there with his people, where he would liefest be
Where he knew his own troops were most to be trusted.
Then stood forth on the strand and sternly spake
The messenger of the Vikings, delivered his tidings;
He boastfully spoke, for the seafarers
Their sentence to the earl, where he stood on the shore.
"They sent me to thee, those bold seamen,
And bade me to say that thou must send swiftly
Ring-money for pledges. For you were it better
That you buy off this spear-rush with your tax,
Than that we should have so hard a battle.
What need we to vex us, if you will agree?
We will for this gold a sure compact make
If thou wilt agree to it - thou that art strongest.
If that thou be willing thy people to redeem,
To yield to the seamen at their own choice
Tribute for a truce, and so take peace of us,
Then will we with the tax to ship betake us
To sail on the sea - and hold truce with you.
Brithnoth made answer - his buckler he grasped,
Brandished his slender spear - and spoke.
"Hearest thou, sea-robber, what this people say?
For tribute they're ready to give you their spears,
The edge poison-bitter, and the ancient sword.
War-gear that will bring you no profit in the fight.
Thou messenger of the seamen, back with thy message.
Tell to thy people, these far more hateful tidings,
There stands here a good earl in the midst of his men,
Who will this country ever defend,
The kingdom of Aethelred, mine overlord,
The folk and the ground - but they shall fall,
The foemen in the fight; too shameful methinks
That ye with our tribute, to ship should be gone
Without a blow struck - now that ye have thus far
Made your incoming into our land.
Nor shall ye so softly carry off our riches.
Sooner shall point and edge reconcile us,
Grim warplay indeed - before we give tribute."
Bade he then to bear the shields, the warriors to go,
So that they on the river's bank all stood.
Nor could for the water, the army come at the other,
For there came flowing, flood after ebb;
Locked were the ocean-streams, and too long it seemed
Until they together might carry their spears.
There by Panta's stream in array they bestood,
Essex men's rank, and the men from the ships,
Nor might any one of them injure the other
Except where from arrow's flight one had his death.
The flood went out - the pirates stood ready.
Full many of the Vikings, eager for battle.
Then bade the men's saviour, one to hold the bridge,
A warrior war-hardened, that was Wulfstan hight1,
Courageous mid his kin - he was Ceola's son,
Who the first foeman with his spear did fell
That bravest stepped forth upon the bridge.
There stood with Wulfstan warriors goodly
Aelfere and Maccus, high hearted both,
That never at the ford would turn them to flight,
But they steadfastly 'gainst their foes made defence,
While their weapons to wield they were able.
When they saw that, and keenly espied
That bitter bridge-guardians there they met
Then began they to feign - those loathed guests -
And begged that they might some foothold get,
To fare over the ford - the foemen to lead.
Then did the earl, in his overweening heart
Lend land too much to that loathed people.
Then 'gan he call out - across the cold water
Brighthelm's son, and all the band listened.
"Now room is meted you, come swiftly to us,
Warriors to war. Only God knows
Who at the end shall possess this fight's field".
Then went the war wolves - for water they recked not.
The troop of the pirates, west over Panta.
Over the shining water they carried their shields
Seamen to the shore, their bucklers they shouldered.
There against the raiders ready stood
Brithnoth with his band, and with the bucklers bade
Form the shield wall, and make firm the ranks
Fast against the foes. Then was fighting nigh,
Fame in the fight - now was the hour come
When that the feymen2 must fall.
1 ‘hight’ = archaic, literary word meaning ‘named’ or ‘called’
2 ‘feymen’ = ‘doomed men’ destined to die in the battle
The rest is here.