predcon: Aren't there laws against inciting fear and panic? Something about "shouting 'FIRE!' in a theatre isn't covered under your rights to free speech"?
Taleroth: It helps that nobody is panicing. You can't shout 'FIRE!', but you can shout 'TIME TRAVELING VELOCIRAPTORS!'
Shouting about temporally transient extinct reptiles doesn't usually make a sizable portion of the population go out and spend all their savings and quit their jobs and lots of other things that would generally ruin their lives were it
not the last day of said lives, as the case is now. I mean, if it were just single or married-but-childless adults, fine. But think about the kids who have no control over the dumbass decisions their parents make, and the way
their lives are ruined. Not only will their parents have drained whatever passed for their college funds on a "Last Day/Night On Earth" spending spree, but now they have to go back and face the neighborhood kids or their classmates or wherever, and be taunted for years to come about the whole thing.