Length != Quality or Enjoyment. (or so I read in some women's magazine...)
I thought it's length was perfect. and pretty much every review I read of it at the time also thought it's length was perfect. I guess they could have padded the length out with filler, or made you redo some of the levels with slight changes, but that wouldn't have improved the game, it would have made it worse.
Way too many games that could be great are padded out with annoying time-wasting sections. Eg: Okami. A director's cut of that game that cut out a few hours would have been stunning.
Anyway, in my case, I played it twice, plus tried all the challenges... so I spent well over 10 hours with it, probably 15. I'll take that over a repetitive 80hr RPG anyday.
I just got Mirror's Edge in the Steam sale, and it has a very similar feel to portal. And a similar length. But unlike portal it didn't stay true to itself, and added un-needed combat and annoyances. Shame.