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high rated
Hello again!

I've been wanting to do another creative giveaway for a long time now, and now's the perfect occasion.

Last time we met I asked you to write a haiku, today the assignment is a bit simpler maybe. Not a poem this time.

But first the prize:

One $5,99 title or two $2,99 from the next promo (the 3-4 Nov weekend promo).

"What do I have to do to get this wonderful gift", you ask?

Write THE BEGINNING of a short story set in a universe of your favorite HORROR video game. So make it creepy, scary, disturbing, etc. Write only ONE paragraph.

READ THIS -> The details:

Why not a whole story?
I don't have time to read a whole story ;) Just kidding, I want you to try something else, read below.

So how will you determine a winner?
The paragraph you submit must be the first of a longer story and it has to establish the setting, mood and basically make me feel like "I want to read more of this". This is the most important part.

How long should the paragraph be?
As long as you like, but keep it natural. Usually stories don't have 1000 word paragraphs. My suggestion: keep it below 100 words.

A single paragraph? Nothing interesting can happen in only the beginning.
That's the idea. Make me interested, make me want to read on, make me feel the eerie mood. If you do it right, even a single sentence may be the winner. The idea is that this paragraph must feel like a part of a longer story.

How much time do I have?

You have time until November 1st.

Submit your entries via PM. Don't post them in the thread please, for now it'll be for Q and A only.
After the contest is over I may post your entries in a separate thread for everyone to see and comment if you want of course. Please specify in your entry if I can post it later.

Good luck and get creative!
not a fan of writing stories or Writing Class, in college.
i wont be entering
but, thanks for the giveaway +1
Call me Ishmael. Some years ago -- never mind how long precisely -- having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world. It is a way I have of driving off the spleen, and regulating the circulation. Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet; and especially whenever my hypos get such an upper hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping into the street, and methodically knocking people's hats off -- then, I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I can. This is my substitute for pistol and ball. With a philosophical flourish Cato throws himself upon his sword; I quietly take to the ship. There is nothing surprising in this. If they but knew it, almost all men in their degree, some time or other, cherish very nearly the same feelings towards the ocean with me

I just knocked this up, whaddya think?

Only joking of course, not entering but thanks :D
<removed b/c I'm an idiot>
Post edited October 27, 2012 by Tallima
To the poster above: Rules in the OP state to submit your entries via PM. I would suggest cut and pasting as soon as possible.
Post edited October 26, 2012 by EC-
sent pm.
Post edited October 26, 2012 by gameon
Quick question: Can it be a non-horror entertainment piece if our entry is written in a horrific style?

For example: A paragraph influenced by Grand Theft Auto's less savory characters, written in horror style.
Thanks and +1 for the original giveaway, azah_lemur!

I'll send a PM as soon as I find some inspiration. ;)
Still on the fence about entering, but for now thanks and +1! :)
Tallima: [snip]
Thank you for entering, but as EC- stated, please send me this via PM. :)
EC-: Quick question: Can it be a non-horror entertainment piece if our entry is written in a horrific style?

For example: A paragraph influenced by Grand Theft Auto's less savory characters, written in horror style.
Well I would generally want this to be creepy all around, so horror style and horror game. Surely you have some horror titles you like ;)
Post edited October 27, 2012 by azah_lemur
Oops, I posted my story in the thread >_<. Thank you for the giveaway, my heart leapt when I heard it was a "poetic giveaway" as I had the perfect poem in mind, but alas, my story will have to suffice.

If I don't qualify due to my rather liberal interpretation of the rules, I do hope you enjoy the story nonetheless, also, +1 for creativity! :D.
Post edited October 27, 2012 by shadowmirage
Posting here as a placeholder so I can look at "My Posts" later and remember to write the best start to a short story ever!
Entry sent

PM sent. ;)