asdfasdfadsf: 9.9 never said it was the programmers themselves but its the same general idea if its a company or a specific person you're stealing from.
The company spent money and effort to produce something people feel entitled to take for free because they can.
fine then. How about investing in researching some idea you planned to sell only to have random customers instead just flip your blueprints 90 degrees and make it themselves.
Or taking your savings and commissioning a graphic designer to make art that some jerk photographs and starts handing out free poster sized printouts around the corner from your booth selling numbered poster prints or whatever.
Is that better?
Or is it not ok to do that to individual people but sure steal from a "faceless corporation". is that your point?
Not seeing how you feel the distinction on who specifically lost potential customers and therefore income really matters. The programmer or the shareholder or the owner or maybe its passed along to the actual customers who all have their cost jacked up a few cents. its still eventually somebody.
1. No, but you implied it(or it seems like you did)....possibly to gain support for your side of the argument. Those sort of tactics don't gel with me, i'm afraid.
1b. No, it isn't exactly the same(in terms of the severity of after affects).......a major gaming company can afford to take the hit and won't suffer too much because of piracy/their product being pirated whereas an employee/owner of a small gaming company(Or an independant artist of some other media/product/service) would suffer more noticeably(Not saying whether it's more "right"[imo] to take from major gaming companies over smaller ones/their employees, but there is a difference between "stealing" from one vs. the other.).
2. More generalization by the opposition.....not all people pirate such things just because they can, and not all pirates pirate without later paying for what they pirate.
3. Not really....again your examples are of small business owners/investors/employees suffering from being ripped off and those aren't good example to compare to a major gaming company having it's product pirated.
It's like a multinational fruit company's main fruit orchard has a bag of apples stolen(and as such they lose a few dollars) and you use the following as a comparative example: The owner of a small orchard just had half his crop stolen/destroyed by vandals/etc.
Yes, the examples in both cases share similar concepts but they aren't fairly balanced.
4. No, my point is that if one is going to use the whole "Piracy is wrong because it deprives the seller of income" line as part/all of their argument against piracy then they shouldn't make it sound as if every pirated game copy is akin to stealing money from game maker's(and their family's) paychecks & pockets.
5. Maybe, but(as I said above) it's not that I was discussing but the unfair comparison of some/all piracy to stealing from game company employee's wallets/families by you/others.