phlum: *Those two games are Microsoft's 3D Pinball that came free with Windows XP; and 3D Ultra Pinball 3: The Lost Continent.
The 3D pinball game bundled with Windows XP was actually a demo of a larger package called Full Tilt Pinball that had 3 tables. Astonishingly good. I think the original is 16-bit only though.
The Pinball Gold Pack is certainly worth a look because it effectively pioneered the pinball game genre on computers and represents some of Digital Illusions' earliest work before they wandered over to the Dark Side for cookies. Bear in mind though that GOG's pack is a sloppy and unholy mess. Pinball Illusions is missing music, Pinball Mania is hidden in Pinball Fantasies' start up menu, and the high-res Pinball Dreams Gold version is notably absent.
Someone already mentioned the Pro Pinball games. Excellent stuff, speaks for itself.
Pure Pinball 2.0...meh. Never really got my interest like that.
A bargain bin publisher called eGames published a game simply called Pinball about a decade ago. Pretty much everything this company released was utter crap, but this was a blip of true quality. It was one of the first truly 3D pinball games, required some decent 3D hardware at the time and had full reflection and glass effects that looked incredible for its era. Physics weren't too bad either, and the table design was workable. I still have a copy, and Amazon has a copy going for just a penny if you're interested.