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Hi fellow GOGers, I was wondering if anybody knows of PC games that have telekinesis other than the ones I list below here?

Advent Rising
Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy
Second Sight
Those Star Wars videogames with Jedi power

I am in the mood of playing one in the near future if there is. Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Third-person perspective action games or RPGs are preferred, over-the-shoulder camera if possible.

EDIT 2: The keyword here is maybe that telekinesis will provide some "mindless fun" in the game.

EDIT 3: Suggestions so far, non first-person perspective:
- Psychonauts
- Dead Space series
- Gothic
- Risen
- Legacy of Kain (last one?)
- Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines (I put it here 'cause I play it in third-person perspective)
- Trine
- City of Heroes (MMO)
- Rochard
- Diablo (which class?)
- Dungeons of Dredmor
- Ultima VII
First-person perspective:
- System Shock series
- BioShock series
- Morrowind
- Oblivion
- HL2
- Singularity
- Ultima Underworld
Post edited April 10, 2012 by tarangwydion
One game that comes to mind is Psychonauts
Hours of fun :)
How much telekinesis are you looking for? For ex., the "Shock" series (System and Bio) both have telekinesis-esque abilities, but the entire gameplay's not built around it (although it's important and useful).
Morrowind and or Oblivion.
System Shock 2,
Ouch... forgot to mention that I prefer third-person perspective, as I am currently playing a first-person perspective game now and want to take a break from it for a bit in the next game to play.

As for how much, hmm... maybe let's just say a game where it is not quite mandatory but a lot more fun if it is used.
Edit. Delete me. Sorry, my good idea falls under "those Star Wars games".
Post edited April 09, 2012 by csmith
Dead Space series, especially DS2.
Well, technically it's present in Gothic, but you'll only use it a handful of times during your ~60h playthrough.
Same for Risen.
The last Legacy of Kain had it if I recall correctly. Was a fun power.
Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines?
The Wizard in Trine uses telekinesis a lot, though I'm guessing that's not what you're looking for.
Catshade: Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines?
There was? Which clan? I only played Brujah, and I don't remember they have this ability.
City of Heroes (a Free-2-Play MMO) has telekinetic/mind-based powersets. One power of which "throws" randomly generated objects, like desks, plants, sinks, etc., at the enemies.

Freedom Force might have some teke stuff, not sure as it's been a while since I've played it.
I guess I should also mention Half-Life 2 and the infamous gravity gun.

Also, Rochard (side-scroller). Your only weapon is a thing called G-Lifter, and you use it to pick up crates/other solid objects which you can then launch to defeat enemies. You upgrade the G-Lifter from time to time, and in the end game you can also use it to pick up human enemies.
Also Second Sight. It's sort of like Psi-Ops except more of an adventure/survival horror game so you're not ungodly powerful.