wpegg: GOG support can sometimes take some prompting. Perhaps send them another message. What information did you provide (don't post the actual info of course). I expect they could very quickly resolve the situation if you give them the paypal transaction ids and other information provided in your receipts.
overread: Just a point but most support ticket systems I know of don't get faster if you send more requests. In fact most get slower as each separate ticket is a separate issue that has to be resolved on its own - so each time you put another one in it goes to the back of the line and slows the whole process down.
Very true, and most support systems are more than an email inbox. As far as we can tell, that's GOG's support system. I've been pointing out for a year or two now that GOG need to actually put in an ITIL compliant support app. If the user got a ticket number, and a way of escalating it, then there wouldn't be the need. However in GOG's case, this is exactly what the user needs to do (in fact, a forum post was required).