Posted September 07, 2009
What a great show. It just got over and I was there. One thing I noticed was that at the end of one podcasts panel, they said "look under your chair, 3 chairs have a code for a free GoG game of your choice" I lol'd. The lady behind me got one, not me :( One guy in the crowd said he worked for gearbox and that he saw duke nukem forever when it was being made. :P I gotta say that was some of the most fun I've ever had. I got bags and bags of free crap, like beta keys, 6 T shirts, and I played Mass effect 2, left 4 dead 2 (sucked), saw splinter cell conviction, played darkest of days, God of War 3, Starcraft 2, Diablo 3 (D2 with more gore and graphics), Tekken 6, Dungeons and Dragons online, and the new Lord of The Rings online expansion was announced. Fun stuff, was anyone else there?