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If I get my hands on a copy of the Core Rule book for Pathfinder RPG (Based on 3.5 rules) is there any interest in having online sessions once a week?

My schedule varies but I can post times 2 weeks in advance so people can take part. Ideally I'd be looking at a party of 3-8 adventurers, 3 being the minimum.

Respond via PM or to this thread if you'd be interested in starting an online session and what timezone you're in in relation to Greenwich Mean Time.

Thanks! Also please note, if I do get the rule book, it won't be till around Christmas, but we can start forming characters in the meantime.

No interest in an online role playing session?
It's just as well. The core rule book is ~$40 and I most likely won't have the money for it this Holiday season.
The nice thing about Pathfinder is that you don't actually need the books, because of the Open Gaming License.

You can find all the core rules on the PRD if you don't mind reading them onscreen.

And if you're looking at doing an online session I can suggest as a simple virtual tabletop. Free to make an account and it's getting a pretty big upgrade later this month.

All that said, I'd be interested in a game. Never can get enough RPGing, specially if I don't have to GM lol. I'm GMT-5.
If shipping from Paizo weren't so horrible I'd probably have bought Pathfinder years ago.
I don't think there have been many successful online RPG games started here, you could perhaps try something like Pen and Paper Games which I think has a player registry.
Are we talking about normal play or PFS? I have three PFS characters I played on (only one is in a game now)
But PFS or not, I'd probably join, if it will be play-by-forum.
I was meaning play-by-forum. We have some interest now, I'm open to more suggestions as to where to host and what specific type of game you guys would be interested in. Pathfinder was just a suggestion. (sister site of is good for play by forum. It has its own dice roller and other stuff.
Honestly, I'd like to try this out, but I got absolutely no time till next Monday. Afterwards, we can see. Although I don't know much about Pathfinder, should read something about it first.
Let me check out the sites and we'll go from there. Use this thread as a base. I'll post details soonish.

EDIT: I checked out both places, seems more user friendly, I just have to get used to it. There are 4 spots in the campaign I've started, so I can send a link and we can work through this together, lol.

I'll PM the first four that have shown interest.
Post edited December 04, 2013 by Leucius
OK so I've PM'd 4 people with the link to the campaign - let's take the rest of the week and weekend to get situated and comfortable with - one of our members can't start till Monday.

Thanks for showing some interest!
OK so roll20 is real time... I'm guessing one of the other sites listed would be better suited for Play-by-forum.

I'll update accordingly soonish.
Sorry, I dropped the ball on this one. I'm a little too unorganized to be a GM at the moment.