Gundato: Can you actually cite any of these laws? Because this really reminds me of the usual "DRM Lawyer" crap that gets pulled every time it is discussed.
Orryyrro: here See section 117 of the United States Copyright Act pertaining to computer programs, subsection A 1:
"Making of Additional Copy or Adaptation by Owner of Copy. — Notwithstanding the provisions of section 106, it is not an infringement for the owner of a copy of a computer program to make or authorize the making of another copy or adaptation of that computer program provided that such a new copy or adaptation is created as an essential step in the utilization of the computer program in conjunction with a machine and that it is used in no other manner"
In other words if you purchase a copy of a computer program you are allowed to make it work properly, even though you don't actually own the program itself, just a copy of it. if you need the disc in the drive that can be considered a problem and may wish to remove it in order to get the program to work properly, if you need to use a separate program to get the program you want to use to work (e.g. Steam) that means the program isn't itself working properly, as it doesn't work on a machine without said second program and you may remove the requirement for that program legally because the program doesn't work on it's own with those requirements in place.
Um, my words may be considered more confusing than the actual copyright act, um.....yeah... Anyhow, hope that helps.
Not really. It just says you are allowed to make a copy, which Steam already allows. There is PLENTY of wiggle room there, and nowhere does it say you can bypass the copy protection to do so.
Then there is the question of what we actually own, but that is a different topic all together.
This is a VERY complicated topic, and either way the link provided by the person I complained about (who seems to have just left the thread entirely after posting the crack :p) is about as legal as a ROM site. Simply because that allows you to run the game so long as you have the files. And the interweb lets you get those pretty easy.
You know, just like any crack.
Hence, why I really wish that the guy would just delete the link. Shouldn't link to cracks on this site.