hummer010: I have this massive
backlog of games that I have never played, but when I sit down to play, I get a bit overwhelmed by the choices of what to play.
That word. B̶a̶c̶k̶l̶o̶g̶.
odinfan: Doesn't exist in my vocabulary.
This here is an important point. I hate the term b̶a̶c̶k̶l̶o̶g̶. It needs to be stricken from people's gaming vocabulary and we should think of our game collections in a healthier light, not as a chore list to plow through. For most of us, games are supposed to be about having fun, whereas b̶a̶c̶k̶l̶o̶g̶ implies work and being behind in something. It's a depressing term, particularly since in this current day and age of digital distribution, it is basically impractical or unhealthy to ever "clear" one's b̶a̶c̶k̶l̶o̶g̶. Unless you are a game reviewer, developer, tester, or something along those lines, a gaming b̶a̶c̶k̶l̶o̶g̶ should not exist. You simply have a collection of games.
Now that we have that out of the way, there still exists the problem of having an overwhelming number of choices. This is not a problem exclusive to gaming. We are bombarded on all sides these days with so many potentially interesting choices... indeed, too much to do, not enough time.
So what can we do? Well, I think it is helpful to keep in mind realistically how much time you can or want to spend gaming (which you have already done), and then to have a goal in mind with what you want to get out of your limited gaming time.
With just 2 hours of gaming time per week, it seems like you are mostly using your gaming time to unwind and relax. In which case, just playing something relaxing and familiar might be the best thing to do. So just keep playing what makes you happy -- in this case Baldur's Gate. I wouldn't really worry so much about your game collection, and don't feel pressured that you actually need to try any of those games until you actually have some time or desire to do it. I would recommend however that if you are going to continue buying new games and you are not currently tracking your collection in any way you should begin doing so with a spreadsheet or some collection management software or website.
If, on the other hand, you decide you want to really make a go of some of the new games you have in your collection, then you need to commit to that and carefully plan how you will spend your 30 minute gaming sessions. Definitely prioritize your games, and then also realize that it will probably take you 2-3 or more months to finish any game that requires 10+ hours to complete. That means you have 4-6 games a year that you will actually be able to finish currently. So maybe just choose the 4-6 most appealing games in your collection currently, and get cracking on those. All the rest? They will still be there for another time, but you will not be playing them for now because you've already made your choice to try the games that currently appeal to you the most.