TheJoe: Ouya's pretty much a scam. Explain to me how you produce 40000+ consoles with a budget of $5million, market and distribute them.
"Free to play" is also simply a lie. Scroll down far enough on the page and you'll find it just means "game has a demo". Even so, producing a console that
relies on an F2P model is just simply asinine and few developers are going to buy into that.
And I've looked very hard on the Kickstarter page but I can't actually find an Ouya anywhere. I can find some mockups and reference to "a prototype" but I can't find an Ouya. I'm not investing in something I can't see the prototype for.
So Ouya might be real, and it might potentially be something cool. But the Kickstarter is a scam and the forced business model is also a scam. I'd advise against pledging, but I can definitely see why someone might want to buy one later. I just don't think I will.
Check it again, they have videos of the console in action, new pics of the updated design as well as the announcement that they have signed OnLive on as a launch partner, which brings pretty much every AAA pc game to the console right off the bat. This is absolutely not a scam in the slightest.