xa_chan: Thanks everybody for all the info this thread has about that Steam cards thingy. I was interested but too lazy to research online. I didn't know how cards "dropped" after the initial half of the set. If it HAS to be traded or worse, bought to be completed, then it has no interest to me.
Sure, I'm happy some people can get some money out of it, but it's simply not for me. If only dropping cards had to do with actually doing something in the games, yes, that would be fun. But as it is now, that's just something I won't care about.
Booster sets are a new feature. After all your drops have...well, dropped, if you log in once every 2 weeks you are eligible for a booster pack which is something around 3 cards. It's new though, so we don't know the frequency or even if everyone will eventually get one. They've suggested it will be tied to the supply on the market place some how.
My guess is that you may get lucky once in a while, but it will probably not be a reliable way to get cards/make badges.