Arkose: DRM considerations aside, the PC version of Street Fighter IV would definitely be the one to get. It's the most faithful conversion (the original arcade game runs on Windows XP Embedded on standard PC hardware) and Capcom is planning to include features not present in the console versions.
Already mentioned. :)
I'm dying for it -- I run the benchmark about 6,000 times a day.
If there are limited activations, though, I'd honestly say the console version is the one to get. :P
Just got this response from Capcom:
"As far as I know there are no activation limitations with the retail version of the game. You will need a Games for Windows account and the code which should be included with the game. If you get the digital version of the game activation limitations are set forth by the vendor you go through."
Not sure if they mean GfWL is needed for online activation period, or just online play as stated previously..
Talked to Microsoft, they're gonna phone me back within 48 hours. :P
Edit: got this response:
"This is Sam from Games for Windows Live, I am emailing you in regards to your question about Street Fighter IV. As for the installation limits you can install the game as many times as you want. Some games ask for a product key which we are unaware of any installation limits regarding Street Fighter IV. Also the game does have the live service available so you would need online activation.
If you have any further questions just email back."
Edit 2: "Online activation is not manditory, but when you are signed into Live, you will earn Achivements, GamerScore, and if downloadable content becomes available, then you will need to be signed into live in order to access that."