Posted February 08, 2012

Basically, if GOG could get onboard with Cyberdreams, the famous Dark Seed I & II which was voted one of the scariest game series ever (also the art done by HR Giger), and the award winning "I Have No Mouth, But I Must Scream". Noir Shadowy Thriller is also good. I figured this wouldn't be out of GOG's field as they did the Gabriel Knight games, and numerous other of those type of games.
HR Giger is the guy who did the original artistic designs for the xenomorphs in the Aliens movies.
As for Noir: Shadowy Thriller, it's a "point and click" detective game set in 1940's LA, all the images are black and white "dark" photography, set alongside music, sound effects and voice acting. You click on things on the screen to get clues. Kinda reminds me a bit of the graphic novel parts of Max Payne.
All three are by the same company, so yeah I'm thinking of giving GOG an email and see what they think.
Also, add my voice to Battlezone, never managed to get it working on dosbox.