There's a lot of games that I'd like to see on GOG, but one title just bugs me.
No Shadow Warrior? Why?
Nearly all of the 3d Realms titles are on GOG, besides this one game. It never was licensed to any other publisher than GT Interactive, as far as I know. It's perfectly playable under DOSBox. It's even sold on 3D Realms website: !
There are other 3DR/Apogee games which could arrive on GOG (Terminal Velocity, Commander Keen series, the first 2 Duke games), but SW is the one most puzzling for me.
Also, Epic (Mega)Games' stuff. Thanks GOG, for Unreal Gold and UT, but why you won't sell us Radix: Beyond The Void, that cool Descent clone? Or Jazz Jackrabbit, the epitome of 90's PC platform game?
And to end my begging with something quite obscure: Strife. Make it happen. I know you can do wonders, GOG Team.
Thanks for reading this.