Posted August 03, 2011

Man, I have been looking for this for awhile now:)
I actually remember back in the past at some point, GOG just had a section where people could put games they wanted, and other users could search them and favorite what they agree with and games would float to the top. I believe "Outcast" came to their attention with that system. So I miss it, but I'm glad there's this thread anyway, just to put these games out there.
Anyway, I'm more of a console gamer and can't recall too many '90's era PC games, so I'm going to have wishlist some recent-ish console games that I just want a PC version because I don't wanna unpack my Xbox1. But I remember SOME awesome/unique PC games from back in the day, so I'm going to have a weird mix of games:) Here's my list:
Heart of Darkness
Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter
Turok 2
Armed & Dangerous
Grim Fandango
Dark Earth
Omikron: The Nomad Soul
Project Eden
Doom series
Quake series
Indiana Jones games (Infernal Machine and Emperor's Tomb)
Star Wars Jedi Knight series (or just the first one)
Star Wars Shadows of the Empire
No One Lives Forever
Jurassic Park Trespasser
Little Big Adventure/Twinsen's Odyssey
also, was RTX Red Rock ported to PC?
I really don't know why id and LucasArts have their games on Steam, or their individual websites, but not on GOG. But it's weird and wrong, because Quake 1 and Jedi Knight are most definitely Good Old Games!
All of these games are good, and fall into the ,"They don't make 'em like that anymore" category. Hence, why they deserve a place on Gog. Some are very unique, and very "90's PC game"-y. Some cool fiction, some great sci fi worlds, and some weird, ambitious tech that never really got refined very much in future games (like the tech used for BioForge; resulted in some weird looking characters and animations). There's also a lot of adventure elements in action games; nowadays you see a lot of free-roaming and exploration removed from games (Thanks to sh** like Call of Duty). And...they're all just good old games, really:) Some are very ambitious, especially for the time (Omikron, Jurassic Park). You hardly see any big western developers show ambition beyond, "Let's make an FPS!" these days. *sigh* I can't believe TreyArch made Die by the Sword back in the day and now have just become a COD factory...