oh, my bad .... I really remember having to figure out what the signs said.
bazilisek: I'm really, really starting to hate remakes. Give me something original, dammit. I love
Abe's Oddysee and have very fond memories of it, but I've already played it, thank you very much. And they could captivate fresh audiences with a brand new game just as well. Recreating an already designed game is equal to admitting they're in it for the money.
Besides, aren't Just Add Water the guys who messed up the PC ports of Munch and Stranger so badly?
baby steps, baby steps ... new is what they are working towards but the games were expensive to design in the first place so they are re-working through the back catalog to farm up gold off the stuff that was already finished before setting out for new shores.
this game is going to keep the same "on paper" design as the original and then rebuild it in a new game engine and with new art and sounds.
also ... screw whaaaaa? Strangers Wrath turned out pretty good, granted they needed a hefty patch for the PC version but patch it they did and it works great.