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Another classic gets a remake and update. About 80%-%90 of the original puzzles remains the same. Apparently expect a release in 2013.
cool, but I see English in the background ... I hope that gets changed back to the alien language.
Sogi-Ya: cool, but I see English in the background ... I hope that gets changed back to the alien language.
I remember english always being there, I've always used to read those texts.
Sogi-Ya: cool, but I see English in the background ... I hope that gets changed back to the alien language.
Fenixp: I remember english always being there, I've always used to read those texts.
yes, for example -,12457/

German -,12465/
Post edited September 30, 2012 by amok
I'm really, really starting to hate remakes. Give me something original, dammit. I love Abe's Oddysee and have very fond memories of it, but I've already played it, thank you very much. And they could captivate fresh audiences with a brand new game just as well. Recreating an already designed game is equal to admitting they're in it for the money.

Besides, aren't Just Add Water the guys who messed up the PC ports of Munch and Stranger so badly?
oh, my bad .... I really remember having to figure out what the signs said.

bazilisek: I'm really, really starting to hate remakes. Give me something original, dammit. I love Abe's Oddysee and have very fond memories of it, but I've already played it, thank you very much. And they could captivate fresh audiences with a brand new game just as well. Recreating an already designed game is equal to admitting they're in it for the money.

Besides, aren't Just Add Water the guys who messed up the PC ports of Munch and Stranger so badly?
baby steps, baby steps ... new is what they are working towards but the games were expensive to design in the first place so they are re-working through the back catalog to farm up gold off the stuff that was already finished before setting out for new shores.

this game is going to keep the same "on paper" design as the original and then rebuild it in a new game engine and with new art and sounds.

also ... screw whaaaaa? Strangers Wrath turned out pretty good, granted they needed a hefty patch for the PC version but patch it they did and it works great.
Post edited September 30, 2012 by Sogi-Ya
Sogi-Ya: cool, but I see English in the background ... I hope that gets changed back to the alien language.
There was lots of English in the background back when I played it... in fact I don't recall any alien language.

EDIT: Oh whoops, ninja'd.
Post edited September 30, 2012 by SirPrimalform
Sogi-Ya: baby steps, baby steps ... new is what they are working towards but the games were expensive to design in the first place so they are re-working through the back catalog to farm up gold off the stuff that was already finished before setting out for new shores.
Yeah, I understand that line of reasoning, but I'd much prefer a Kickstarter if that's what they want (and definitely not a Kickstarter for a remake like Al Lowe did). Or they could just, you know, try finding a publisher. As far as I remember, the Abe games were commercially quite successful, so a spiritual sequel should be a decent investment. This just feels like so much wasted effort, really.
Sogi-Ya: also ... screw whaaaaa? Strangers Wrath turned out pretty good, granted they needed a hefty patch for the PC version but patch it they did and it works great.
I actually bought the Oddbox on release day, being the idiot that I am, and the ports were absolutely terrible. I know they reportedly fixed it since, but I haven't had the courage to try them out yet.
I was just playing Abe the other day and thought how sweet it would be if there'd be a HR version of the game. The original does look good, but modern high resolution monitors aren't doing any favours for it.

Oh, and it's a good thing it's actually happening without Kickstarter.
Post edited September 30, 2012 by tomimt
they work, and they even gave out the HD overhaul for SW for free to people who bought the non-overhauled PC version.

as for a publisher: that's what sunk the ship the first time.

both sony and microsoft micromanaged the games which cost the developer extra money on development, but then the changes they had them make screwed up what made the games great (mostly looking at mucnh on that one, but then once they got the concept for how to apply 3d environments to the core Oddworld mechanics MS made then turn SW into a combat game instead of an adventure / puzzle / sneaking game like the other titles in the series).

A kick starter probably would be a good idea, but another a secondary effect of remaking the earlier games is to expand the series to new players who weren't old enough to play them when they came out but wont give them a try with the dated visuals and all that.

puffing up the fan base by reworking the old games gives a completely new game more potential sales when they get around to figuring out what they even want to do with a new game. by the fact that they are working on completely remaking Oddysee with a modern engine I'm guessing that Exoddus isn't far behind and whatever new title they eventually pop out will use the same engine and be a return to the original gameplay.

p.s. screen shots for how the new Oddysee will look:
Post edited September 30, 2012 by Sogi-Ya
Sogi-Ya: whatever new title they eventually pop out will use the same engine and be a return to the original gameplay.
This is my hope. I also hope they do that with the Ocarina of Time 3D engine on the 3DS. >.>
Interesting that they removed the screen transitions. It's been a long time since I've played it, but I wonder if that won't break anything, or if in certain situations will require a different approach than before.

It looks kinda nice, but... nothing that would make me want to buy it in a foreseeable future. I'm also kind of hoping for some new stuff from them.
now with 100% more video
bazilisek: I'm really, really starting to hate remakes. Give me something original, dammit. I love Abe's Oddysee and have very fond memories of it, but I've already played it, thank you very much. And they could captivate fresh audiences with a brand new game just as well. Recreating an already designed game is equal to admitting they're in it for the money.
Loved this the first time around. But I agree; I don't think I need it again. I'd rather have something new.
I think it's great to have this remake, preview video looks pretty good and old mechanism stay. If the same developer's team is working on it, Abe will have an amazing comeback!