Posted December 13, 2011

1. I just made the post cause i was bummed, and didnt expect to be called stupid or made fun of.. there i go thinking again..
2. Personally, i just dont like humor that involves making fun of someones intelligence especially generalizations, i put it right up there with rascism.. Sorta like making fun of someones spelling. Just because someone doesnt spell well, doesnt mean they arnt smart enough to slip an atom...
3. On a side note.. I dont understand why there are time zones in the first place.. I find the whole concept moronic. It's the Same time of day it doesnt mater if its not light out, yet it is someplace else Sun up/set changes, yet time is always a constant.. Why we need to abitraily make it so so time of day is the same,, and can be especially confusing if you live on a line. It sure would make things a lot less confusing..
this isnt time travel.. its the same time of day, no mater what your clock says..
2. Jokes about someone as bad as RACISM? Honestly? They're nowhere near as being on the same level of bad.
3. It'd be more confusing to make all areas of the globe use the same timezone, thus it'd be 4 AM and the middle of the day in some place and darkest night in others.

Isn't Slovenia where all the redneck vampires live?
Post edited December 13, 2011 by GameRager