A lot of games are easy to patch back in the good stuff (hell, Giants: Citizen Kabuto launched with censorship, getting the red bloode and topless Delphi back was up to us, the people who paid to play it).
I hate censorship, I see why you're saying what you're saying. But it's giving up way too much to get way too little in return. One of these days, these walls will come down. I'm betting you can get the same porn in Cairo that you can get here in the US, the difference is normally you won't be beaten to death for it in my country (normally). One day we'll grow up. Germany will finally cauterize that whole WW2 thing, the US will quit giving a crap about sex. You get the idea.
Or at least that's what I hope happens. Because soon technology is going to disrupt everything. We'll have robots that screw, printers that can make pretty good replicas of physical goods, and have very little work for most people to do (this is the reason we need a Basic Income Guarantee, btw). I am very much a pessimist, but I am optimistic that the censorship issue is just one more little growing pain we'll get past in the very near future.