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Did you play it? Did you like it?
In fact, I like this game more than Homeworld games (blasphemy? Well, that's possible, I guess I like more personal approach of Nexus) - but there's something in it even for people who think Homeworld is the best thing ever because it's quite different.
It's a game that gets you the experience of TV series like Babylon 5 or Star Trek as close as possible - uncovering secrets a single ship. Story is great, by the way, I liked it till the very end.
It's a tactical combat space sim (when it's about sci-fi, anything can be a sim :D ) - it means battles are smaller, you don't build ships (you start only with certain ships - with your small fleet and you flagship), you can only equip them - with fighters, weapons, commandos and that sort of things.
Battles are more tactical - you must usually aim for destroying enemie's subsystems before full attack at his hull, as well as take care of your own subsystems. Battles are usually slow, but IMO fun.
Oh, and it has the best battle effects I've seen in any space-oriented games.


You can easily get it on Steam - and it's worth getting. When you finish the game, there's quite a few modifications: Like Babylon 5, Star Trek, StarGate...

Edit: Oh god I fixed some damage I did 2 years ago
Post edited November 23, 2011 by Fenixp
I haven't played it, but I've seen it mentioned on a couple other forums and it seems well regarded.
hm... looks decent, never heard of it until now. I like space strategy games, unfortunatly I'm a little back-logged in games atm, so this one might have to wait until valkyria chronicles, gothic 2, and most of the original Dawn of War games.
Oh man this game is awsome!
Was in the bottom of a bargain bucket and was worth well more than what i payed for it. Few things I like about it:
-British voice actors!!!!! and they AREN'T the villains!!!!!
-The leader of the commando unit at the beginning of the game is a scot
-when a ship stops it doesnt just suddenly come to a stop, you can see lots of little retros and stabilsers firing to keep the ship in place and counter inertia. Don't think I have seen that in any other space game like this.
-Although the game is linear and involves no resourse gathering or force construction it is incredibly intense and involving and the story is very well told throughout.
I actually found some of the battles to be very fast paced whith ships venting escape pods less than a minute into the mission. It does however have a lurning curve that saunters along at an easy pace then rockets up so fast you get nitrogen bubbbles in your brain and die. worth persevering though. and there are guides etc. online if you get stuck.
I have it and it is fun, but not always easy. Getting out with your skin is about it sometimes. I have yet to finish it though.
I just saw some gameplay videos on youtube and.....HOLY CRAP!!
This game looks amazing! It seems like a pimped out version of Homeworld!!
AND there's a mod for it that changes the ship models into those from Battlestar Galactica... This is now a goddamned must have!! :)
Now....the only question is....where do i get it? :)
Grog: Now....the only question is....where do i get it? :)

As I said, Steam, if you hate Steam, you have a slightly overcharged versions all over the internets, say Amazon :D
Fenixp: As I said, Steam, if you hate Steam, you have a slightly overcharged versions all over the internets, say Amazon :D

Gah....Sorry man, i totally didn't see the last sentence of your post. When i see the word "Steam", somehow my vision blurs :)
Still they sell it at a reasonable price at least....
i love it. It guess a similar feeling to the combat of Eve Lonine- Flying around with lasers shooting in every direction. It's also quite hard and tends to crash at a certain level. But is very very fun.
was made by the same people who made imperium galactica that was a 4x game that had not only space battles but ground battles too
I played this game and love it. The epicness of it was amazing and super fun. I never finished it though. I got to the second to last level and just stopped... I should start again.
I loved Homeworld, and had hopes for this game after a couple of people me to it.
Sadly, I just could not get into it. I know the addiction is there, but I found the controls a little counter-intuitive, despite playing complex games (and games with complex controls) often enough.
One weekend, when I have nothing else to do, I'll sit down and work out how to make it click.
I downloaded the demo some months ago but didn't have the time to sit down and try it out. Thanks for reminding me, and since everyone's praising it, I'm very much hyped up to try it out
On the sidenote, are there any other similar games to Nexus and Homeworld? Can be both RPG and strategy, as long as it's complicated and indepth enough. I wanted to try Space Wolves, which is more of an RPG than strategy game, but Starforce is a deterring factor. And I'm definitely picking up Sins of a Solar Empire
Ahh Nexus - a fantastic game, looks great and plays really well. Its downside was that the demo shipped without a tutorail mode and the controls for the game are not that easy to pickup at first - once you get the hang of it its easy, but it takes a bit of time to get used to them - its even harder when you have to start from scratch.
From what I have heared it did not sell too well and a sequal is no longer on the cards (Sadly) its story mode was large, but lacked depth and a bit of coherancy (it felt bitty - like whole sections were just cut out).
Also it lacked a skirmish mode, which limited singleplayer experiences, though one was made as a mod and works well (though its fiddly to use).
Overall its a great game and lots of fun with an innovative control system. Its very different from the homeworld series, this is more of an RPG with spaceships than an RTS (at least it feels that way)
Owned it, enjoyed it... then I don't know.. stopped playing. It IS good though.
Also as a proud owner of sins of a solar empire with the first mini expansion pre-ordered, all I can say is...get it. Just don't expect a story driven campaign (for now)