Virama: Chch is on the ring of fire....
Aliasalpha: So hard to resist making the predictable joke about eating too much curry
Virama: So it's suspectible to quakes but there hasn't been anything like this in recorded history...
Aliasalpha: Didn't the last big one actually open a new fault? This could be the first activity of that one
I lolled. To be fair, I have lived in Christchurch for six months a couple years ago. It was the most depressing shithole I've ever lived in... So you may be onto something there....
And yes, I do believe after that first one geologists were warning that this could be the first warnings of a massive one coming... If you stop factoring in HUMAN time and start thinking about it in actual scientific time, well, this is pretty quick. And the worst thing is I have a feeling that there's an ENORMOUS one coming soon - just wish my sister had listened to me about getting the fuck out of there after the first shock a few months ago.
dudalb: Mount Doom acting up again?
THE ONE RIN.... Oh wait.