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Well, while not used for IEDs (maybe that's where they go when I lose them), I have been wearing a number of these bad boys for many years. Never needed anything more (though if that pebble thing starts accepting voice commands / communication I may be interested).
keeveek: My phone battery lasts areound a week, cause I use it for it's purpose - CALLING and TEXTING only :P
And checking the time...
casio.jpg (8 Kb)
Post edited June 04, 2012 by wpegg
ahhh watches. i defenitly have a soft spot for watches... so quite naturally i have a nice little treasurechest full of watches. mostly cheap ones, but some are quite a diffrent class like these for example:

Casio G-Shock DW-6900CC

Festina F16381-3

Vostok Komandierskie Automatik

Chromacron Edition Tian Harlan

Dugena Premium Chronograph 7000035

and i really like the works of of these two guys:

Felix Baumgartner and Martin Frei

and i want this one:
but this is not going to happen. damn.
Post edited June 04, 2012 by bombe_zwanzig
Whoa, Vostok, Poljot, even a Strela chronograph.

Mine looks like this, only with a purple faceplate. I guess the grass is always greener on the other side (that, and it cost $150 during a sale).
keeveek: Watches are not needed when you've got your cellphone. It is only a piece of jewelery, and I don'[t like jewelery. Amen.

Watches' primary destiny nowadays is to show them off (as some of you try to do), and I'm not that kind of person. (sometimes it's also a memento after your father, etc)
Usually I would agree with here, but after having worked in a "no-mobile allowed" enviroment for several month, I actually got used to a watch again. It might just take half a second less to check for the time, but it is actually more comfortable somehow.

But the sheer lazyness of putting one on each morning has made me a "watchless" person once again...
keeveek: My phone battery lasts areound a week, cause I use it for it's purpose - CALLING and TEXTING only :P
Aside from undermining your own point.. I'm glad that's what you use your phone for.

I brought mine for the explicit purpose of having a computer I can carry around in my pocket, not for calling and texting, so I'm using mine for its purpose.
keeveek: My phone battery lasts areound a week, cause I use it for it's purpose - CALLING and TEXTING only :P
xyem: Aside from undermining your own point.. I'm glad that's what you use your phone for.

I brought mine for the explicit purpose of having a computer I can carry around in my pocket, not for calling and texting, so I'm using mine for its purpose.
Smartphones are overrated, to expensive, useless and just some stupid piece of fashion.

Until you get one. And they are awesome!
I don't have enough time to play with my gf, so imagine I can't have enough time to play with my cellphone either :P

I'm not that kind of person who's into gadget's too.

by the way SimonG, "no cellphones environment" doesn't mean you can't turn your phone on without sim card inserted to use it as a watch only :P

Or maybe your smartphone doesn't work without simcard inserted, i dunno ;p or with sim card inserted but with disabled network usability. Even my old phone has "plane / hospital" mode :P

But this is a thread about watches.
Post edited June 04, 2012 by keeveek
keeveek: by the way SimonG, "no cellphones environment" doesn't mean you can't turn your phone on without sim card inserted to use it as a watch only :P
I had to turn my phone in for security reasons and only got it back when I left. ;-P

And the watch I had back then was a 10€ watch from Aldi I wore until it literally fell apart. The one I'm "using" now was a gift and not really made for showing off.

So yeah, I'm not really a watches person.
Oh, they were showing you the next Wunderwaffe, I see :P

And don't you feel like telling "my watch is accurate to the 0,0000001 of second and can still work 200 m under water" and showing this on forums or telling it to your friends is like comparing dicks? ;P

I don't really understand that in most men. Why the fuck you care your whatever is 0,1% faster than somebody else's whatever? :P
Post edited June 04, 2012 by keeveek
keeveek: Oh, they were showing you the next Wunderwaffe, I see :P

And don't you feel like telling "my watch is accurate to the 0,0000001 of second and can still work 200 m under water" is like comparing dicks? ;P

I don't really understand that in most men. Why the fuck you care your whatever is 0,1% faster than somebody else's whatever? :P
I don't think the aim with watches is to have the fastest :).

for the record, my dick can still work at 200m under water. Though it doesn't have that accuracy, requires some serious patience and timing..
I haven't worn a watch for decades, I rarely found a use for them. They were an odd kind of product anyway; a failure. Despite being called "watch", barely anybody actually does watch them. That's a deep philosophical problem acknowledged by Plato already 2500 years ago: Who (actually) watches the watches? I mean, seriously - they should have been called "glances" or whatever it is that people actually do with them. "Boasts" might also be an option, for certain brands at least. But not "watch". I mean, you could probably take all unwatched watches from all over the globe and pile them up into a massive tower, and people would walk all along the watchtower without even noticing it, because they are so used to ignoring the thing that they ironically called watch. And then the tower will tumble, and somebody will cry "Watch out!", and no one will understand, because watches have been out for decades. And the watches will crush and bury their victims, thus taking revenge for decades of neglect.

Yeah, so that's why I never wear watches. They are evil. Actually I think we need to inform more people about this - spread the truth, organize, monitor their evil plans and inform the public. Let's found "The Watch Watch". Watcha think?
Post edited June 04, 2012 by Psyringe
When I remember to wear it, I still use a Swiss Army watch that my parents bought me right before I went off to college in 1994. Aside from problems with a couple of cheap bands, and some battery replacements, it still works just fine.

The whole using a phone as a clock trend wouldn't work well for me, as I tend to leave my phone home more often than I take it with me.

I find it interesting, though, with phones often replacing watches these days, that we've essentially gone back to a form of high tech pocket watch being the popular method of telling time.
watch.jpg (10 Kb)
Post edited June 04, 2012 by dae6
keeveek: My phone battery lasts areound a week, cause I use it for it's purpose - CALLING and TEXTING only :P

In my entire life I never had a situation like in horror movies - that my phone battery suddenly dies :P
Yeah... that is exactly what happened to me on Saturday. Except, it's the phone that died, not the battery
Post edited June 04, 2012 by Phc7006
saramakos: I think I am in a minority these days, but I miss the simple Casio Digital Watches that were all the rage in the 80s... I used to love them. Dirt cheap, just told the time, had an alarm and a countdown timer and that is all. Anyone else liked them? I have not seen them anywhere these days.
I like my FMD but the Athletic Works is something special to me, got it at least five years ago for about 10 bucks, and it's loaded
-Time with indicator for AM/PM and day of the week
-Date/Month display which can be swapped to display Month/Date if you want
-Alarm clock which I've been using ever since I got it, battery hasn't failed me yet and the beep is loud enough
-Chime which gives a little beep on the hour
-And as you can see in the picture, it has a blue backlight

The strap on it broke early on but the watch is a champ, it's been through some things lol

I don't know if you guys have Wal-Mart but that's generally where I come across these, real cheap and as I found with this one, they definitely last
I don't have and don't need any watch .