roninnogitsune: I kinda feel like I wasted my time watching the video. I know the trope is bad, thank you... and she's doing another one on DiD next episode. I feel like she killed the horse in this vid. (though it might be already dead since it is a lazy trope that simply tries yo earn brownie points by putting a person in place of a Macguffin, that tends to be a woman since society tends to view men as worthless if they can't help themselves. and no, feminists aren't doing squat against that) I really think she is making mountains out of Molehills.
And to not be completely negative, I did like the examples of indie games that handle loss right, It was something positive that made the video feel less like the pandering videos in the previous series, but it was still a lot of "How Dare You!" ranting and pretty monotonous.
I can agree with you too many Male hate and Shame rubbish I am sick of this One sided world with it's Double standards and MALE HATRED and this ONE SIDED FORUM With Assholes that Like negatively Repping people for voicing an OPINION ONLY! hey Don't I have a right to hate her rambling on Hey think about all the MEN women have hurt over the years and If you think I'm joking I'm deadly serious I am sick of this MALE hatred it must end.
I live and PUT UP with two Domineering females one with a mental Illness and one with Kanners syndrome give a GUY A BREAK WILL YA I may vent from time to time but that is because I am under extreme pressure you people HAVE NO RIGHT NEGATIVELY REPPING me for MY VIEWS!
See I get my rep up and then someone POSTS something that Pisses me off!
Knock off the male Hate right that's what I have a problem with! You Have No Idea what some GUYS GO THROUGH!
Well Come on you gonna Downrep the LOVELESS Dying guy again Because he gives a shit about how other guys may interpret HER videos