Wishbone: Say "only" again with a straight face, why don't you? I'd like to try these games, but I am NOT paying $9.99 for a game from 1994.
Wishbone: Hmm, I seem to have hit a nerve here. I realise in hindsight that my words sounded harsher than they were meant. I did not mean to imply that GOG are misers, or that their games are overpriced. It's just that, in comparison with the other games here, $9.99 is definitely the wrong price point out of the two possible choices. I'm also aware that the prices are not set by GOG, but by the rights holder.
And yes, it may be a fantabulous game, but I've never played it, so I don't know if I'll like it. Also, I still have around 10 games from here that I haven't even played yet.
So let me rephrase the above along more diplomatic lines: "Comparing the price of this game to the other games in the catalog, and taking into account that I have no prior knowledge of the series, and since I already have more games than I have time to play, it would require poor judgement on my part to invest in this game at this price, right now."
Considering it's sold up to 35 US$ on eBay, $9.99 seems like a reasonable price to me.