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The sequel to Ground Control has hit the catalog. If you haven't heard of the series, you missed out on some fast-paced combat, where skill, not the amount of fodder your base can bring forth, determine if you win or lose.
[url=]Ground Control 2: Operation Exodus is a real-time tactics game. Similar to its predecessor, you don't actually gather resources or build units, but you can receive reinforcements or support on the field as the mission grinds on. Your units, be it troops or vehicles, use formations and different behaviors and also have special abilities, or modes, to make your force more flexible. What's more, you can order your troops to enter buildings and assume firing positions in windows on a side selected by you. All these features, and more, form a fast-paced tactical game which, when combined with its deep, interesting storyline, will keep you begging for more.
Brilliant! Thanks GOG.
Great price too!
Yay, one of the best strategy games of all time for me and it is only $5.99. Thanks team and after this please release AVP too. :)
This is an awesome game. And only $5.99? Yikes.
For those of us interested, could someone comment on the difficulty?
w00h000 :)
More strategy to buy
bansama: For those of us interested, could someone comment on the difficulty?

You'll hate this answer, but it depends on the player. I often had lots of trouble and had to retry a mission over and over - and then sometimes I'd have a streak where I'd finish 3-4 levels on the first try. It requires patience and reason.
bansama: For those of us interested, could someone comment on the difficulty?

Second campaign is really difficult and made me sick when I was playing.
Yup, I hate that answer. I was kind of hoping for comments on whether there are difficulty settings and the like =)
Yeah, think I might skip this one seeing how I suck at the genre!
Post edited August 06, 2009 by bansama
It can be pretty tough :/ - but it can be quite fun as well (I love upgrading my drop ship with weapons and the ability to stay on the battlefield longer providing air support!)
On a side note (1): Dang GoG! Wish I had ESP back when I bought the whole GC collection on D2D - I woulda waited for y'all.
Side Note (2): The voice acting in the tutorial is frikkin horrible, the guy doing the narration sounds like a bored programmer they pulled off their normal schedule
I'd say a bigger problem than the tutorial voice would be that the main character has a horrendously fake accent. I don't even know what it's supposed to be - possibly Australian.
Post edited August 06, 2009 by frostcircus
frostcircus: I'd say a bigger problem than the tutorial voice would be that the main character has a horrendously fake accent. I don't even know what it's supposed to be - possibly Australian.

Hehe, yeah that too :)
frostcircus: I'd say a bigger problem than the tutorial voice would be that the main character has a horrendously fake accent. I don't even know what it's supposed to be - possibly Australian.

I heard that they were from Outrageousaccentia , hence the strange tonal shifts.
Yeah! I knew I must have this game and now finally on gog. Have to buy ASAP :-). 4 missions left in Dark Conspiracy and I can playthrough this one..
Post edited August 06, 2009 by igor8472
wow this is one of my favourite strategy games (exceptions being dow, total war and c and c) i still have a disc based copy for this out of curiosity what is special about the special edition?? as i do not remember there being and expansion pack for ground control 2?