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I have never seen or played any of the games. I guess I will have to watch it for a bit then decide. Itis good to read some of the post to gain a bit of insight.
brendano: Playing the original AitD games on DOSBox was kind of tricky if I remember correctly. If you ran the CPU emulation too fast the game wouldn't start. The CPU max and auto options were useless because of this. So you had to set the CPU to 30MHz (3000 cycles) just to get the game to start but it wouldn't perform very well, so you had to manually raise the clockspeed after the game had started to around 100MHz. Of course that was back with DOSBox 0.63 I think so maybe playing the original trilogy has become easier with 0.64-0.74. But if it's still that cumbersome to play the first three in the series that may explain why GOG skipped them in favor of The New Nightmare.

I am going to assume then that this one was released first to give them time to tweak the old ones... but that might be optimism!
Didn't like this game at all.
But then, I despise Resident Evil, so take that for what it's worth.
That's a very good release, GOG.
And I'd like to see the original trilogy, too.
And, GOG: please note down HOW MANY guys are asking for the trilogy here in this thread.
Ok? Got it? :)
lovin' you
you gotta be kidding me...i was thinking of this game but i got 2€ on my damn bank account and my fathers birthday is in a week! gotta sell my god of war collection and psp to get more money ;S
Last time I played this game, I thought, what a lousy console port. Movement was strange, turn and sidestep keys only moved the camera to the sides, and you couldnt change keys.
avatar ...divided as to whether or not this is good or bad, but most appreciated the change...

...Bla bla, ok, now the important question, when is Alone in the Dark 1 coming out?
I hope you guys update more adventure and action games in future.
This is a game I always wanted to try out, but I wanted to start with the first one 8(
It might happen if gog can get it working on modern systems, I think atari own the rights to it.
Oh please oh please oh PLEASE let them release the original trilogy on here soon. All of those games were amazing. That would be an instant purchase for me.
That's VERY good news. I loved that one (and the original trilogy) and personally recommend it.
It may be more Resident Evil-esqe, but it's still an excellent game. The ambiance is excellent and I was truely impressed by the graphics (I played it on PSX and I was impressed of what they could pull off on such an old console).
It may not have the lovecraftian charm of the original, but it's still worth a shot. It quite a bit harder than your usual Resident Evil game, though.
Catshade: It hasn't changed since...two or three weeks ago? (the week with Another World + Sanitarium promo) That, or your Strategy First/Rebellion promos were total failures, since none of the games is in the top 10 bestsellers list for their respective weekends. On the other hand, the Another World + Sanitarium promo was a humongous success since both consistently occupy the first and second bestseller spot for two/three weeks.
JDV72: I've noticed that the list hasn't included anything from the last 2 weekend promos (which is odd) and looks stuck at the Another World/Sanitarium week.

That's really odd, but thanks for pointing that out - we will look into this. :)

Yeah! The list is back. (Look at all those pretty "Own It"s). Wonder if AITD4 will make an appearance.
Thanks for the fix, Team GOG.
great game!
also please release the original trilogy as well!
Ralackk: It might happen if gog can get it working on modern systems, I think atari own the rights to it.

Atari created it (back when they were called Infogrames), so yeah.
From the mini "Jack in the Dark" through the trilogy... Good Old (spooky) Games for sure. The last was the least of my favorites but well worth playing. I suppose as things evolved I realized my imagination was greater (or perhaps darker?) than the final graphics as the zombie guys became an intermittant mix of either comic annoyance and/or surprise and resulting frustration within the game play (ie. more action/shooter than adventure). I enjoyed the seek and find adventure much more than the escape-the-attack /fight and fright with the zombie man action, but all good fun. Was always hoping there would be a final sequel that would outdo the prior culmination of this series. Will be fun to play again and would definately enjoy the earlier versions as well!
Post edited July 23, 2010 by Dawn