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Glad to see Sega making a new sonic game in 2D, i was always a big fan of mario and sonic in the 8-16 Bit era, and i still like mario a lot now. Mario games seems to get better and better, but i always felt Sonic the Hedgehog games were only any good in 2D and ive not enjoyed any of the recent 3D Sonic games.
I only really liked Sonic 2.
The first and third ones were okay, but Sonic 2 still is one of my favourite platform games ever.
I thought I liked Sonic, then I realized that I only liked the fact that the game would play itself if you pressed right and got bored of it once you actually did stuff.
Mario is far better.
PoSSeSSeDCoW: Mario is far better.

herod: Glad to see Sega making a new sonic game in 2D, i was always a big fan of mario and sonic in the 8-16 Bit era, and i still like mario a lot now. Mario games seems to get better and better, but i always felt Sonic the Hedgehog games were only any good in 2D and ive not enjoyed any of the recent 3D Sonic games.

A 3d sonic could work extremelly well, if Sega still had talent... Make Sonic have the ability to multijump, make areas wide spanning (GTA, prototype, etc)...
But also not make it realistic, have it be more fzeroish, turns, pipes for sonic to run on...
Post edited September 11, 2009 by Zellio2009
Eh, I never really liked Sonic games...
Until two years ago, I only had the master system version of Sonic 1. Then I picked up the Mega-Drive set. Rather a good load of fun. I never could get into the 3D games trying them on friends machines.
I'll admit it, I'm very excited.
Wooo yeah! It's about time!
I personally feel 2D is underrated. All that stereotypical jazz about 2D having more inferior graphics, yet look at the beautiful graphics in Bionic Commando Rearmed. Now that's what I hope to see.
PoSSeSSeDCoW: I thought I liked Sonic, then I realized that I only liked the fact that the game would play itself if you pressed right and got bored of it once you actually did stuff.
Mario is far better.

Shut your mouth.
Also, sorry Sega, a Sonic remake in Haych Dee isn't cutting the mustard anymore.
Wow. They finally figured out that the 3D games were bollocks.
Can't wait for this.
Post edited September 12, 2009 by Aatami
2D engine with some 3D effects would be so much win that I've always wondered why no one would make that. Baldur's Gate had it and it looked and still looks damn good. With all the modern stuff you could do vector graphics engine with some raster details in it, accelerate it though OGL or even OCL and get some detailed resolution independent 2D stuff done.
Too bad nvidia and ati only support game companies that make detailed 3D stuff so that they got something to demo on their cards. Which is part of the problem.
PoSSeSSeDCoW: Mario is far better.
Navagon: Agreed.

I hate BOTH Mario and Sonic.
it *will* be better than the utter tripe that was Sonic Adventure 1/2 and the Crystal Chronicles; I hope that it will be better than Rush!
I can't wait! I loved Sonic 2 and 3.
i really don't see why they didn't think about this before. They could make a 3D Sonic, but the view is like a 2D Sonic view