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I won a comp, which one should I get?
Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon
Unreal Tournament 2004 ECE
The Guild Gold Edition
Patrician 3
Gothic 2 Gold Edition
Stronghold Crusader
Giants: Citizen Kabuto
Beyond Good and Evil™
Well Gothic 2 will last you a while
Giants will make you lol
and Tex Murphy and Beyond Good and Evil will give you fantastic stories
I can't comment on the strategy games as I'm not a huge fan of strategy.
I'm sort of looking at a blance between replayability and length
Giants and Beyond sound good, but I've heard they're short
To be honest, i like oblivion, but i'm not usre if i'd get into Gothic
I've enetered a comp for Under a Killing moon, so yeah
prakaa: To be honest, i like oblivion, but i'm not usre if i'd get into Gothic

I thought the same thing and ended up liking it considerably more than bethesdas offerings.
Beyond good and evil -can- be short if you just rush straight through the story. But if you take your time and explore everything you can do all the races, hidden areas, mini games etc. its got a much longer life. It is also a lovely game to go back to sometimes due to it having such a great atmosphere and looking so pretty.
It took me about 15-20 hours to complete beyond good and evil and I did everything the game had to offer. I agree with BladderOfDoom though its a game you will probably replay in the future, just not straight away.
Unreal tournament 2k4 is pretty much as long and replayable as you can stand an fps for. So if thats your thing its a good choice, its also probably one of the most modded games out there so that adds to the length.
The next game I personally have my eye on when I have the means to afford it is The guild gold. It sounds like its got a good length and it has a ton of different professions so probably a fair bit of replaybility as well.
The Guild Gold Edition.
Nuff said.
Right now (becoz I want hese the most)
It's either the guild or Gothic (BGE sounds good, but it can wait)
what about Patrician 3? Port Royale?
I love citizen kabuto (except for the racing, no idea what they were thinking there....)
I also like the original Stronghold, though the peace campaign is too short for my tastes.
Post edited July 25, 2009 by sk8ing667
Giants if you want a good shooter mixed with strategy elements. It also offers 3 distinct races, and since Kabuto is distinctly different from Delphi and Baz, it's really a 2.5-games-in-one package.
You can probably get BG&E cheaper elsewhere. As much as I love the game, I don't recommend wasting your free ticket here because it's overpriced.
Under a Killing Moon is a very unique adventure game. I've largely forgotten why I liked it so much, but I just do. Get it if you want something lengthy and challenging.
Thanks for all your help everyone
Right now it's a choice between Kabuto, Guild Gold, Gothic 2, Patrician and Stronghold
prakaa: Thanks for all your help everyone
Right now it's a choice between Kabuto, Guild Gold, Gothic 2, Patrician and Stronghold

I'd recommend Giants: Citizen Kabuto, but then I've never played any of the others. And no, Giants isn't short. You may be thinking of the spiritual successor Armed & Dangerous, which all the reviews I've read have indeed said is very short.
To be honest, I found Armed and Dangerous a bit palin
I've plaed the Kabuto demo, and it was kinda weird
I've played Guild 2, is it the same?
prakaa: To be honest, I found Armed and Dangerous a bit palin
I've plaed the Kabuto demo, and it was kinda weird
I've played Guild 2, is it the same?

The GUild 1 is better.