Theoclymenus: Such distorted, selfish, self-serving "reasoning" :
I'm sorry, I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. I cannot see how my reasoning would be "selfish" or "self-serving" since I myself aren't even involved, I'm neither a developer nor currently a backer. I was simply trying to explain how crowdfunding works since you seemed to be interested in understanding it, though that may have been a misperception on my part (apologies if I misunderstood your purpose for this thread).
Theoclymenus: What exactly is the difference between a backer and a customer ? There is no difference whatsoever, though I'm sure you're about to outline the difference for me - unconvincingly.
Well, I already answered that in my previous posts, and I think by now you've made it sufficiently clear that further attempts to explain the difference would be futile. I'd rather not waste my time.
Theoclymenus: You're opinions about lending are those of a criminal mind. You're just trying to find justifications for your corrupt thinking : "legal loopholes". If I lend you money, you owe it me back, simple as that.
Well, I certainly see nothing corrupt in stating that people are free to exchange money on their own terms, and that these agreed-upon terms are the ones by which they should be bound. Which is what I said. If you're focusing on _lending_ money, then yes, I would owe you back, but that's irrelevant for the topic at hand since you're not lending money in Kickstarter, you're funding a project. If can only accept lending money instead of funding, then crowdfunding won't have anything to offer you, because developers who can afford the liabilities of borrowing money typically don't need to ask for crowdfunding.
Theoclymenus: Your thinking is psychopathic. You should get on well with JMich because he's another one who spouts the kind of clever-clever bullshit you're coming out with.
I would appreciate actual counter-arguments instead of ad hominem attacks, but it seems I'll be disappointed. Well. What exactly is your purpose in flinging insults around, is there anything worthwhile that you are trying to accomplish with that?
At this point, I'm not sure if you are genuinely interested in answers or just trolling. In any case, the answers to your questions are already in this thread. If you _are_ genuinely interested in crowdfunding, then look up a project that piques your interest, do some research about it and about the team behind it, and feel free to ask the community here for their opinions about it. There are ways to gauge whether a project is serious and has a chance of being successful - as you can see in the replies above, many people have been able to make these decisions in a way that prevented them from burning money. I'm sure you'll get some tips and useful assessments. But backing a project will never be risk-free.