(Notwithstanding the silliness below,) I just wanted to say, thank you for offering such a generous and well selected giveaway! There are some really worthwhile games in that list, imho, and it's always nice to see someone with some similar tastes.
Not in, of course.
(I actually even decided to change around my giveaway line-up a little bit so as not to overlap with this one!)
JRomero: Please tell me I am not the only one who read that as "nice titties". :/
snowkatt: you smooth talking sex maniac you
Wow! First
Crewdroog and her toaster, (probably with that spatula and the ceiling spying on them, too, those jerks)...
the whole debacle about leather and pies and assorted weapons and giant chickens...
AND NOW silver-tongued sex maniacs??!! xD
Man, not even such an unassuming, innocuous looking thread called "my very first giveaway" can escape the insanity...! (or was it unsanity?)
Even though This sale isn't technically an Insomnia Sale, people sure seem to be getting a bit nutty. (myself included, apparently! What am I doing on this forum at such a strange hour?? lol)
And now back to your regularly scheduled giveaway programming...?