Alright, I screwed up part of the contest. I had allocated the money I saved buying AW at GMG which was roughly 6 USD towards the giveaway. Wolfenstein (2009) had already gone off sale before the giveaway ended. I did not know this. I personally didn't want it so, I wasn't going to buy it unless someone requested it when they won. SimonG requested it. LOL So, I go to buy it at Steam and sale is over. This sucks. So, I wrote him to tell him I would give him his choice of any game up to 5.99 from GOG, Steam, or GG. While I'm typing this up and feeling like a tool for not realizing the sale had gone off, SimonG gifts me Soulbringer ffs! I couldn't believe it. Cause if someone had requested it upon winning I was going to double up and get myself a copy. So, I'm thinking hell he can have Wolfenstein now as I'm going to redeem the Soulbringer code. While I'm redeeming Soulbringer. SimonG writes me back and says no problem, he wants Shadow Magic. So, I read this and I ask him which one he wants. He picks Shadow Magic. Gives me a game that I was wanting badly and doesn't make pay full price for Wolfenstein. Awesome! Thank you again man. This made my day.
Next giveaway I will have my shit together... Hopefully :P