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Miaghstir: Bioware heads.
Ah. So they figured they'd leave with most of their integrity intact instead of letting EA take them down with them.
rodrolliv: Read the official announcement and Ray and Greg's statement from

ne_zavarj: Another upcoming Kickstarter project .
Who says anyone would even pledge if they did start a Kickstarter?

The Banner Saga guys didn't exactly advertise the fact that they used to work for Bioware
Thanks for the great games, gentlemen. Best of luck in your new endeavours.
Downfall? Add tits and DA3 will probably break all of the current top sales records.
Eh.... Not surprised.
FraterPerdurabo: Downfall? Add tits and DA3 will probably break all of the current top sales records.
Nah. Release is too far off. ;)
Sad, I'm glad they left EA but sad they decided not to make games anymore. Was hoping they follow the paths of former folks at Ensemble Studios and make some more enjoyable games.
When will Bioware just die already.
Nirth: I skimmed it through it but I can't help but be annoyed that they can't be honest of way they leave, I bet there's more to it then "we just want to move on".
My impression is the same. I get the gut feeling that EA is part of the problem. Both of them are gushing with admiration for their colleagues at Bioware and for their fans, but when it comes to EA, the words feel forced and more borne out of politeness and contractual obligation than any sense of real loyalty and gratitude.

My bet is that they've either been forced out by EA senior management with a severance package that requires them to keep mumm about it and not enter into competition, or EA senior management has made their lives such a hell that they've been compelled to get out of the industry. It's almost certainly no coincidence that this comes as EA is trying to push F2P as the future.
SapienChavez: SNIP
Producer is kind of a hard one to really define. Sometimes you get credits just for writing a check, but other times the executive producer will be the one to come down to the set when things aren't working and talk the talent into listening to the director or make a few phone calls and make sure the neighbors that are complaining have whatever issues dealt with.

I'd assume that in the gaming industry that producers are also a rather undefined but essential role in the production.
Crassmaster: Sad to see them go. But if you're no longer passionate about something, it's usually a good idea to move on and find something you're interested in. So good luck to both of them.
Agreed. One could even say their lack of passion was showing, so this is best for all involved.

Honestly Bioware seems to be following the typical acquired studio gameplan, which eventually culminates in dissolution and reforming elsewhere. I don't even think this is EA's fault really, it's just the way these things often go when you take an A and try to turn it into a B.
One of them is leaving to focus on his passion for beer. "What did you do in life?" "I made video games and drank beer for a living."

I don't like beer all that much, but it sounds awesome.
Post edited September 19, 2012 by Whitecroc
Whitecroc: One of them is leaving to focus on his passion for beer. "What did you do in life?" "I made video games and drank beer for a living."

I don't like beer all that much, but it sounds awesome.
We could use some more decent micro brews up this way, so here's hoping he does go that way. :)
Whitecroc: One of them is leaving to focus on his passion for beer. "What did you do in life?" "I made video games and drank beer for a living."

I don't like beer all that much, but it sounds awesome.
Well, post-Neverwinter Nights Bioware didn't really make games, they made computer generated movies
Whitecroc: One of them is leaving to focus on his passion for beer. "What did you do in life?" "I made video games and drank beer for a living."

I don't like beer all that much, but it sounds awesome.
Crosmando: Well, post-Neverwinter Nights Bioware didn't really make games, they made computer generated movies
Dragon Age: Origins struck a balance for me. At least my protaginist does not talk in dialog conversations
Post edited September 19, 2012 by Elmofongo