anjohl: I remember playing Mech Assault 2/Battlefield 2 online for the first time. See, one of the modes/classes/whatever had a demolition charge. Well see, I am not meant to be allowed to have demolition charges, for the sole reason that said charges MUST be used.
Now, if I can get close enough to an enemy to plant a charge, that's great. But the thing is, the be set. So, if that means I plant 3-4 on the underneath of a boats hull, hide in the woods, wait for my "teammate" to get in the boat, and get halfway to the other side of the bay before BOOOMMMM!!!, than so be it!
Now, I don't classify that as trolling, more like extreme roleplaying.
This ^ XD
But to be honest, the few times I've had a mean laugh was just taking advantage of legitimate features of the system.
Like the God-Like missile launcher in Buckets of Blood which sent everyone into a slide show frame rate when fired.
Nothing funnier than someone trying to take you down before you can fire it only to capture them in a bunch of slide show shots tumbling limply through the air like a Muppet.
Even better - emptying that launcher through the windows or doorway of a building with a capture point in it and watching everyone in there bounce and ping around.