Wishbone: It depends what you mean by the commentary being "spliced in" though. Is it on a separate audio track, or what? If it's just an MPG file of the movie with the commentary running, it shouldn't be a problem, but if it's a multi-audio file, I don't know if your DVD can handle it.
The version I downloaded was a .mpg file, and they fade the sound of the movie in and out so they can make jokes. I'm pretty sure it's one audio file.
Will just burning the file work on a PS2? I'm going on a road trip, and I hook up a PS2 to one of the older models of the whole TV screen-in-a-car thing to watch DVDs.
Romulus: You should use
DVD flick! I highly recommend it. Its open source too!
Doing that right now, thanks! What kind of a file does it output as? Do I need another program to burn it to DVD?