Hammerfall: I doubt you'd want to play an (...) single player FPS without a storyline.
Yes, yes, I would.
SP FPS games should not be story driven. Period. End of the damn discussion.
The only thing that should be in a SP FPS lies in the abbreviation "FPS". "First Person Shooter". You are walking around, in first person, shooting at stuff. Simply put, that's it. I'm pretty much a FPS elitist. It was what I grew up on, and story was never the point, neither in multiplayer or singleplayer. Catacombs 3D, Wolfenstein 3D, DooM, Heretic, Hexen, Corridor 7, Last Rites, Quake, Unreal, Blake Stone, Rise of the Triad, Terminator Future Shock and so forth was played because of the gameplay, and the gameplay alone.
Everything else in that genre is just fluff, which can be nice if used in the correct way.