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I've been playing TERA since its release in Europe. I also played Guild Wars 2 a bit. I definitely prefer TERA though...
Kalfear: Plus EQ outright lied to players on numerous occasions to keep subs even for the short term.
Krypsyn: Now, I am not sure what you are referring to here, but I do have a story about this. I played a Dark Elf Shadowknight as my main from the day Everquest went live (March 16, 1999). They never admitted that evil races ( e.g. dark elf, trolls, ogres) and evil classes (e.g. necromancer, shadowknight) had an experience penalty, not just towards the player but for the entire GROUP, until years later. People would post definitive data, with and without said class/race in the group, but they still denied it up one side and down the other. Man... fun times... I loved the game, but I hated the people that ran it.
LOL that was a typo, I meant EA not EQ!

EA was outright lieing to SW:TOR subscribers about what would be included in their subs and then reneging months later when content was ready.
I used to play World of Warcraft prior to Burning Crusade. I was pretty hooked on it but I decided after the account my brother and I shared was sold off just to stick with non-MMO games.

There are some MMOs that I might have some interest in trying out like The Old Republic, Rift, or perhaps Guild Wars 2. The Elder Scrolls Online looks promising but I'm kind of skeptical over how much it differs from the gameplay of the actual franchise although I take into consideration that it is being made by a different developing team.
Rift goes f2p on the twelfth of june, until then, people that have played before and quit can log in to get a headstart and some freebies, before all the new free to plays start signing up.
Kalfear: LOL that was a typo, I meant EA not EQ!
Sadly, I think the fact that I didn't immediately realize it was a typo says a lot about the state of the gaming industry today. Although, I do admit I was curious why you were bringing up such admitted old news. :P

Kalfear: EA was outright lieing to SW:TOR subscribers about what would be included in their subs and then reneging months later when content was ready.
I also agree with this. I think I left before the worst of it, though. I think I canceled my subscription to SW:TOR around April last year, give or take? Right around when they changed the PvP (armors, maps, and all that jazz), if that helps you with the timeline. My understanding is that it was just down hill from there.
Currently playing:

Path of Exile
Guild Wars 2
City of Steam
The Secret World
Rift (just got it, haven't started yet)


Tried but wasn't really keen on:

Scarlet Blade (just... LOL *smh*)


Looking forward to trying:

Couple of Asian MMO's I can't remember the names of at the moment