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I think his death was sort of merciful to himself. From what I've read, the guy was drowning in debt, so much so that he had to sell his Neverland Ranch, all his stuff, and perform in Las Vegas to pay back what he owed. In a way, I'm sure he's thankful to die; to be stuck performing for the rest of your days like that would be a life I would never want.
TheCheese33: I think his death was sort of merciful to himself. From what I've read, the guy was drowning in debt, so much so that he had to sell his Neverland Ranch, all his stuff, and perform in Las Vegas to pay back what he owed. In a way, I'm sure he's thankful to die; to be stuck performing for the rest of your days like that would be a life I would never want.

I find it ironic the concert's name (the one that was planned for next month) was titled This Is It.
lukaszthegreat: go and research your stuff matey.
10 years ago he was still on top of the world. With rap gaining stronger presence, pop music suffered...
doesn't change the fact that he still made millions and still donated them for charities as well as helping to raise money for them.
You want to bash MJ? go ahead. do it properly tough.
Weclock: collecting royalties doesn't necessarily fit my definition of being "on top of the world."

oh. 12 years ago was his third world tour. seen by 4.5M people (including me. twice) he wrote new songs, sang for charities...
he was on top of the world mate.
TheCheese33: I think his death was sort of merciful to himself. From what I've read, the guy was drowning in debt, so much so that he had to sell his Neverland Ranch, all his stuff, and perform in Las Vegas to pay back what he owed. In a way, I'm sure he's thankful to die; to be stuck performing for the rest of your days like that would be a life I would never want.

erm... three weeks from now he supposed to participate in series of concerts. the tickets were already sold out. roughly 1 million of them. Just few of those concerts would make him 50M pounds...
the court war was over
Recording companies were fighting each other for him.
Him dieing now is actually the biggest joke ever. when he finally managed to overcome his problems, to clean the frigging mess, to come back to glory as undisputed king.
he gets a goddamn heart attack.
lukaszthegreat: oh. 12 years ago was his third world tour. seen by 4.5M people (including me. twice) he wrote new songs, sang for charities...
he was on top of the world mate.

Performance is one thing, but still, he didn't have any hits, pop was going no where. And even if there was something interesting in the pop world, it wasn't him.
I'm not saying he didn't revolutionize the pop scene, infact I get beat it stuck in my head to this day (well really, Eat it by weird al, but same beat etc.) but the fact remains that the past 20 years have been pretty unspectacular in comparison to his career before then. It's always terrible to hear when someone dies, but as far as his career goes in terms of innovation, he was dead long ago.
R.I.P. Michael J.
lukaszthegreat: oh. 12 years ago was his third world tour. seen by 4.5M people (including me. twice) he wrote new songs, sang for charities...
he was on top of the world mate.
Weclock: Performance is one thing, but still, he didn't have any hits, pop was going no where. And even if there was something interesting in the pop world, it wasn't him.
I'm not saying he didn't revolutionize the pop scene, infact I get beat it stuck in my head to this day (well really, Eat it by weird al, but same beat etc.) but the fact remains that the past 20 years have been pretty unspectacular in comparison to his career before then. It's always terrible to hear when someone dies, but as far as his career goes in terms of innovation, he was dead long ago.

TheJoe: But now they're back and I need to hide in my room with David Byrne playing at full blast so I don't hear it.
Hurry up and die again!

How fortunate I am that I can appreciate the music of both men.
Even if he wasn't a child molesting bastard (and I'm not at all implying that he wasn't, I'll go to my grave believing every single one of those allegations were dead on the mark), but even if he wasn't, the man was most assuredly into some weird shit. And that whole stunt with dangling the baby over the hotel balcony 4 stories above the ground.... that is just ridiculous. There is no logical reason for someone to behave like that.
A sad day indead for the music industry and for all his fans. His music will live on.
You will be missed.
Well I never liked the guy and he was a total freak. Realy. That doesnt mean i like the money grubbing lackeys that surounded him or the appaling upbringing he had either. Seeing as that all had a part in making the guy batshit crazy. Putting aside whether or not he actually fiddled with those kids his behaviour was still totally innapropriate and I dont see why I should mourn his passing. Greater men than him have lived, frankly and with very little recognition going to them when they kicked the buckett.
I feel sorry for him in that he should have had mental help years ago. However i aint gonna pretend i had any respect for the guy just cos he's dead. Also with any luck (however slim) his kids might stand a chance growing up at least sightly undamaged now he is gone.
BladderOfDoom: Greater (wo)men than him have lived.
Madonna was CRAZY to Pop mang.
R.I.P. Michael Jackson
Liwe concert the Prag Czech Republic
1.jpg (354 Kb)
BladderOfDoom: Greater (wo)men than him have lived.
Weclock: Madonna was CRAZY to Pop mang.

I'm going to have to say im not much of a fan of hers either. I don't know i kinda miss the days where pop/rock stars had the decency to go out somewhere near their prime of drug overdoses suicide attempts or the odd assassination. Now they live way too long and end up embarrasing and old or doing adverts for butter or online car insurance (iggy pop, realy now... i kinda expected such crap from johnny rotten but... eh....) Anyway back on topic folks stop trying to derail the conversation, carry on nothing to see here...
Weclock: Madonna was CRAZY to Pop mang.
BladderOfDoom: I'm going to have to say im not much of a fan of hers either. I don't know i kinda miss the days where pop/rock stars had the decency to go out somewhere near their prime of drug overdoses suicide attempts or the odd assassination. Now they live way too long and end up embarrasing and old or doing adverts for butter or online car insurance (iggy pop, realy now... i kinda expected such crap from johnny rotten but... eh....) Anyway back on topic folks stop trying to derail the conversation, carry on nothing to see here...
she may not be relevant anymore, but she continually reinvented herself to continue with the direction that pop was going. she even ripped off mj.
but at least she was trying, and I think she may have ceased finally.. but still I mean, she kept at it.
Weclock: but at least she was trying, and I think she may have ceased finally.. but still I mean, she kept at it.

Well yes i wasnt debating her poparity (or even her popularity for that matter). Some would argue that 'Jumped on the bandwagon' would perhaps be a more accurate term than 'reinented herself' in relation to maddonna but anyway, yes. i refuse to be drawn further off topic. honest.
Post edited June 26, 2009 by BladderOfDoom