mistermumbles: All of them. Portal, Skyrim, the troll "y u no..." stuff, and so on and so forth. Besides the fact that none of these memes are actually funny. What's worse about it is that a lot of people seem to think they're being clever by using them. No. No, you're not.
Can't express yourself? Use a meme! Ugh!
Pretty much agree. I don't understand the appeal of using them, especially the ones that involve bad grammar like "I can has?" or "Nao" or whatever. I mean does that make the post funny all of a sudden?
Though I must say that there is somewhat of exception to this for me, and that's when somebody posts "“Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?" It's not funny because the poster posted it, but whenever I see that sentence it cracks me up because it's so hilariously indecipherable, and somebody honestly thought they were making sense.