GameRager: Can you prove he isn't a lazy dickhead?
I'm sorry, but that's a
ridiculous question.
Why do you seem to insist that he has
any ability to have any influence on EA regarding their business decisions, especially on business decisions that concern IP owned by EA over which he has zero control? I've not seen any positive evidence to support any assertion that American McGee would have any meaningful impact on getting Alice on GOG, apart from far-reaching assumptions, wishful thinking, and a desire to point fingers (whether it be against him or EA).
Now, I want to say that I'm not defending American McGee or EA for any liability that they have with this matter - it's just frustrating to see an argument with zero logic repeated ad nauseam.
In any case, "Have you stopped beating your mother, GameRager?" ;)
GameRager: or tell them to fuck off/read the FAQ.
Which, oddly enough, is essentially what he did in the first place.