Posted October 07, 2013

Salmon Max
Registered: Dec 2009
From United States

The Joe
Registered: May 2009
From United States

Salmon Max
Registered: Dec 2009
From United States
Posted October 11, 2013
Well, I guess it's "game over". I've been totally stuck on the Falling Water Tower sequence for 3 solid full days, and I simply refuse to play it another moment. I just can't believe they could make a segment this difficult with no way to progress! There are 5 guys on a rooftop below, and I've shot them ALL SQUARE IN THE HEAD about 5x apiece, and somebody always lives to shoot ME in the head. Dead.
I was hoping to find some kind of "easy target mode" in the menus so I could get past this section, but can't find a thing. The YouTube videos make it worse... there are SIX guys in those videos! I hate this kind of crap.
I'm beginning to think my PC version is "bugged". In all the videos, and walkthroughs, for the water tower sequence I've seen and read, they ALL mention 6 guys. Well, there are only FIVE guys on my screen. From watching the videos, the guy that is missing is in the UPPER-RIGHT corner of the group of guys. In fact, he kinda walks out onto the roof from behind a wall in the upper-right. That guy is NOT THERE on my version. Does the game think he's there, and that's the guy that shoots me in the head at the end of this sequence? I cant' shoot what I can't see! ARGGH!
Maybe this guy is missing depending on the difficulty setting you picked. (there were difficulty settings, right?)
I'd give ANYTHING if the game would let you rewind just a little bit! When I start the game now, I'm ALREADY in the "quick time event" of Max falling. I can't backup at all. And more importantly... I can't change weapons. Sadly, right before this sequence started, I picked up a small automatic weapon of some kind, instead of keeping with the normal revolver. There is NO WAY for me to change this weapon... and what's even more maddening... I can't even replay this mission! I can only go back to Chapter 3 and start there... which is the big outdoor sports stadium! Why can't I just backup just a little bit, pick a different weapon, and try this sequence again?
I was hoping to find some kind of "easy target mode" in the menus so I could get past this section, but can't find a thing. The YouTube videos make it worse... there are SIX guys in those videos! I hate this kind of crap.
I'm beginning to think my PC version is "bugged". In all the videos, and walkthroughs, for the water tower sequence I've seen and read, they ALL mention 6 guys. Well, there are only FIVE guys on my screen. From watching the videos, the guy that is missing is in the UPPER-RIGHT corner of the group of guys. In fact, he kinda walks out onto the roof from behind a wall in the upper-right. That guy is NOT THERE on my version. Does the game think he's there, and that's the guy that shoots me in the head at the end of this sequence? I cant' shoot what I can't see! ARGGH!
Maybe this guy is missing depending on the difficulty setting you picked. (there were difficulty settings, right?)
I'd give ANYTHING if the game would let you rewind just a little bit! When I start the game now, I'm ALREADY in the "quick time event" of Max falling. I can't backup at all. And more importantly... I can't change weapons. Sadly, right before this sequence started, I picked up a small automatic weapon of some kind, instead of keeping with the normal revolver. There is NO WAY for me to change this weapon... and what's even more maddening... I can't even replay this mission! I can only go back to Chapter 3 and start there... which is the big outdoor sports stadium! Why can't I just backup just a little bit, pick a different weapon, and try this sequence again?
Post edited October 12, 2013 by tritone

Salmon Max
Registered: Dec 2009
From United States
Posted October 12, 2013
I wonder if I could switch to a gamepad controller, turn on the Hard Lock feature, and just auto-aim+shoot my way through the falling water tower sequence? I'm at my wits end trying to figure out how to get past this section. I've not only shot all 5 guys dead, but they've all dropped their weapons!
So I tried the only game controller I have, which is not a traditional gamepad. It's a Thrustmaster Ferrari Wireless F60 gamepad, more for racing games. But it defaults to a normal gamepad, and I can see it's working in Windows Control Panel just fine... all the axes, all 12 buttons fire, etc. Two analog sticks, D-pad, diamond buttons, fire buttons, shoulder buttons, etc. But Max Payne just seems to ignore it.
Or is there something I need to do to activate the gamepad? I've looked in all the settings, and can't see any place where you tell the game specifically to USE the gamepad. There's a Gamepad options section, where you can configure 4 different "types", and a few other settings like sensitivity. Do I need to "activate" it somehow? Can't figure out where.
So I tried the only game controller I have, which is not a traditional gamepad. It's a Thrustmaster Ferrari Wireless F60 gamepad, more for racing games. But it defaults to a normal gamepad, and I can see it's working in Windows Control Panel just fine... all the axes, all 12 buttons fire, etc. Two analog sticks, D-pad, diamond buttons, fire buttons, shoulder buttons, etc. But Max Payne just seems to ignore it.
Or is there something I need to do to activate the gamepad? I've looked in all the settings, and can't see any place where you tell the game specifically to USE the gamepad. There's a Gamepad options section, where you can configure 4 different "types", and a few other settings like sensitivity. Do I need to "activate" it somehow? Can't figure out where.

Devil's Advocate
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
Posted October 12, 2013
It probably auto-senses the controller, like most modern games. If you are indeed encountering a weird glitch it's possible the controller will lock-on to the invisible enemy. I would guess it won't though.
Can you reboot the whole chapter? He might appear then.
I never had this problem so I don't know what else to suggest. Game was 100% bug-free for me and played great on PC.
Can you reboot the whole chapter? He might appear then.
I never had this problem so I don't know what else to suggest. Game was 100% bug-free for me and played great on PC.

New User
Registered: Oct 2013
From Indonesia
Posted October 12, 2013
Maybe you should set the graphic setting of this game, if there's any. Or maybe the disc has a problem or missing file in it.

Salmon Max
Registered: Dec 2009
From United States
Posted October 12, 2013
So today I went out and bought a Microsoft XBox 360 Wireless Controller for Windows. Installed, works great in Max Payne 3 (where my other controller wasn't even recognized). I set up Hard Lock mode, Easy Aim, Easy Mode, and now I can press the Left Fire button to auto-cycle between all 5 guys. Usually 2 shots kills each one. After I shoot the 5th and final guy, I keep hitting the Left Fire just to make sure there are NO MORE enemies, and indeed there are no more onscreen enemies to kill. They're all dead!
And yet... there's always SOMEBODY LEFT (usually in a red jacket) that walks up to me and shoots me in the head. DEAD. Every stinking time.
So the question occurs to me... is there something ELSE you're supposed to do here? Like... should I be "running forward" or hitting a "jump button" or some OTHER action? Max always catches the edge of the wall when he falls, arms over the edge, but the rest of his body dangling over the alleyway below.
By the way, I found by a way to replay this entire rooftop level, which I did. Started all over, did NOT pick the tommygun, and stuck with the revolver. Everybody else is dead, but SOMEBODY always comes out of literally nowhere to shoot Max in the head! Un-be-lievable.
And yet... there's always SOMEBODY LEFT (usually in a red jacket) that walks up to me and shoots me in the head. DEAD. Every stinking time.
So the question occurs to me... is there something ELSE you're supposed to do here? Like... should I be "running forward" or hitting a "jump button" or some OTHER action? Max always catches the edge of the wall when he falls, arms over the edge, but the rest of his body dangling over the alleyway below.
By the way, I found by a way to replay this entire rooftop level, which I did. Started all over, did NOT pick the tommygun, and stuck with the revolver. Everybody else is dead, but SOMEBODY always comes out of literally nowhere to shoot Max in the head! Un-be-lievable.