keeveek: Yeah, he seems sometimes careless about other people's property and lives, but let's be honest - it's not 1960s anymore. If there is somebody with such great power, and, noteably, he uses his limits for the first time in his life, there will be collateral damage.
jamyskis: Bingo. That's the point I think they were trying to get across. Superman is still new at this superhero gig, and keeping collateral damage to a minimum is not easy when you have an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object. He could certainly have tried to keep the damage to a minimum, but if he had done that, he probably wouldn't have lasted five minutes against Zod and Faora.
I'm glad you understand this. Too many people are complaining "Not muh Supes!" and "Superman should go around saving everyone and he should have been more confident." Hey assholes, he's brand new at this. He becomes more confident at the end of the film, but he has to go through all that shit to get there.