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The Mafia II demo is now available on Steam (1 GB).
For wiseguys slumming it on the 360 the demo will be up some time later today, while the PS3 familia will have to wait until tomorrow unless they have a PlayStation Plus subscription.
While you're downloading, why not vote for Mafia on the wishlist? ;)
EDIT: If you want to explore without a time limit it can be done by modifying the EXE as described in this thread--or download my fixed version right here and dump it into C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\mafia ii - public demo\pc (or wherever your Steam folder is). If done correctly the timer will be permanently frozen at 9:59.
Post edited August 10, 2010 by Arkose
You just had to use mafia words in that post.
Bah, I hate having to be in bandwidth conservation mode...
Aliasalpha: Bah, I hate having to be in bandwidth conservation mode...

500GB of data a month :)
brb downloading!
Aliasalpha: Bah, I hate having to be in bandwidth conservation mode...
lukaszthegreat: tpg
500GB of data a month :)
brb downloading!

120 is usually plenty for me, just had a bunch of big downloads all at once for some reason
Whoa, they still release PC game demos? :-P
Demo is really awesome. Animations, voice acting, gun fights, soundtrack and gameplay are amazing. This is the game must be after the Mafia 1 and it is. I was curious about getting Mafia 2 before playing the demo but now I think I will pre-purchase Mafia II: Digital Deluxe Edition from Steam. Optimization is also good (without PhysX of course), thank you 2K Czech can't wait to play the full version. :)
It's a very nice port--aside from PhysX I can max all settings on my humble 2008 rig--but for some reason it uses console-style edge-blurring nonsense that looks even worse than no antialiasing at all (I'll have to try forcing real AA later). The Xbox 360 controller works perfectly, complete with both rumble and prompts, although for some reason the face buttons are labelled "B1", "B2" etc. rather than their proper names (although the colours still match) and you can't remap the configurations at all. Unlike Alpha Protocol you can use both the controller and keyboard and mouse at the same time, however, and it will simply change the prompts dynamically to match whichever one you pushed last. Cutscenes can be paused at any time (bringing up a menu asking if you want to skip it), which is a very welcome touch that too few games have.
The demo gives you a taste of the collectibles (nude Playboy pin-ups), although it doesn't seem like there is any way to view them after initial collection (presumably a demo limitation--or maybe they go on Vito's wall and I missed it) and they don't respawn even if you reload a checkpoint or quit the game and come back. The city portion of the demo has a time limit of 10 minutes (and even that is within a walled-off segment). One really odd thing is that you can choose to kick in any door as well as just opening it but the NPCs don't seem to even care when you do this. You also can't harm friendly NPCs during missions (the gun simply won't fire, similar to Crysis).
The gunplay is standard cover-shooting fare but seems solid enough (although it doesn't seem like you can simply walk out of cover as in some games) and the health regen isn't too generous. As in the first game you can be wounded by car accidents (I managed to die in a head-on collision at one point).
One thing I don't particularly like is the hand-to-hand combat system, which locks you into a weird camera mode with the other person; I couldn't find any way to break it other than to simply back away far enough, so this could make unwanted confrontations more annoying than they should be.
The atmosphere is top-notch, with my only real complaint being the lack of radio stations (there are only three). All in all though it's as you'd expect, and you can even consume cola and other goodies from Vito's fridge (the items actually deplete, which makes me wonder how you restock them). You can also buy clothes and car upgrades and so forth with the new money system; in the first game your pockets were bottomless, so this new system means bribing the cops actually has a downside.
Post edited August 10, 2010 by Arkose
Running a Q6600, 8 GB RAM and 8800GTX in 1680x1050 - the game runs pretty well most of the time with PhysX off and everything else maxed out. Turning on the PhysX drops framerate far below playable values on my system. Well, I guess it's finally time to upgrade my 3 years old PC :)
The demo is awesome at first glance, though I didn't get to play it much - I've 40° C outside so my PC overheats really quick. Anyway, I'm totaly getting a collector's edition, and I've already got a pre-order package with a money clip and exclusive DLC unlock code alongside with full game discount and bonus mats DVD.
Post edited August 10, 2010 by Rathori
so yeah.
demo doesn't want to start as it asks for physx but i don't have. it says it will install SDK but the window for installation closes the second it appears.
ugh. Perfect reason why i shouldn't buy nvidia
(running 4850 btw)
lukaszthegreat: demo doesn't want to start as it asks for physx but i don't have. it says it will install SDK but the window for installation closes the second it appears.

Try running the installer manually from the SDK folder (as below, or wherever you installed Steam to):
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\mafia ii - public demo\3rd
You might as well run the DirectX setup too while you're at it.
Downloading it now, can't wait.
Does it have the feel of the great Mafia 1?
lukaszthegreat: Try running the installer manually from the SDK folder (as below, or wherever you installed Steam to):
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\mafia ii - public demo\3rd
You might as well run the DirectX setup too while you're at it.
Arkose: can't. the file gives me an error
okay: copied the file to desktop and then run it.
nice demo. short like hell but it was nice.
Post edited August 10, 2010 by lukaszthegreat
Overall it's very impressive. Definitely retains a lot of what made Mafia great. It's extremely well optimised compared to similar open world titles.
If there's a downside it's that it seems to be quite easy. There's also the fact that the controls have some weird eccentricities. Like having 'open door' and 'open car door' as two completely separate keys. Why is beyond me. It wasn't that way with the first one. Equally, having a separate key for breaking glass... why? Definitely very strange.
I like the fact that the crouch and cover keys are separate though.
Navagon: Overall it's very impressive. Definitely retains a lot of what made Mafia great. It's extremely well optimised compared to similar open world titles.
If there's a downside it's that it seems to be quite easy. There's also the fact that the controls have some weird eccentricities. Like having 'open door' and 'open car door' as two completely separate keys. Why is beyond me. It wasn't that way with the first one. Equally, having a separate key for breaking glass... why? Definitely very strange.
I like the fact that the crouch and cover keys are separate though.

Mafia 1 was horribly difficult so they probably downplay the difficulty level. I do agree it was way too easy.
died once, in a place where they shoot you with tommy's guns through a warehouse doors. but that's it.
maybe it is just demo limitation to not scare off people?