naitive MAC games/support, no sorry but check the conference on the 18th of this month as they are announcing new OS support so it's more then likely going to be either going to be MAC or Linux support(I don't think even GOG would be silly enough to formally announce that their adding supporting Win 8 and nothing else, then again) but in the mean time you can check the link Licurg posted and this: Also you should be able to run most Dos based games and 2d point and clicks with the Mac versions of Dosbox and ScummVM for supported 2d adventures like QFG 1-4, Beneath a Steel Sky, Goblins 1-3/Gobliiins Pack, ect.
The big issue is of course is getting the .exe's and the data files and such out of the Windows installers but the thread Licurg posted should have a solution for that issue.