bazilisek: Okay, I caved in and pre-ordered, got the beta and just finished playing it (it took something in the neighbourhood of 3 hours, but there's still some stuff I haven't discovered). And I understand now why they were so coy with descriptions and trailers – the game is extremely difficult to describe, and no description will quite capture what it is all about.
That being said, I'm not sure what it is all about. It's more of a toy than a game. And $15 is really pushing it, to be honest. It's moderately fun, and it's got a fantastic charming-yet-disturbing atmosphere, but all in all, it's a game/not-a-game with a peculiar story/not-a-story. You burn a lot of things, that's for sure.
It's nothing at all like
World of Goo. It's nothing at all like anything. I'd definitely recommend picking it up in the inevitable Humble Bundle a few weeks/months down the line, though.
That was hands down the best non-descriptive game review I've ever read. ;)