Gentoo user here. Although I used Gentoo on the desktop for a few years, it's now been relegated as my server OS, and I currently use Windows on the desktop. I don't need much out of a desktop (web browser, SSH client, video games), so Windows fits the bill, and I'd rather just use that than bother going through the pain of getting my Windows-based games to work via WINE.
Arch Linux would also be one of my close favorites, since it combines minimalism with ease-of-use, so for me it makes both a great desktop and server distro. It's my favorite distro to setup on laptops.
Slackware is also another distro I'm quite fond of. I've fallen out of using it for the desktop because initially getting it setup the way I like (eg, rebuilding `shadow' with PAM support, building/installing tonnes of non-standard software) is something I don't really want to bother with anymore. But I would consider it on a server, because setting up services like FTP/SMTP/Samba/etc. would not present much fuss, and the complete control and lack-of-complexity would be a boon.
And if I want to just want an easy-to-use, pretty-much-no-setup distro, I'll just use Ubuntu or Fedora, I guess. And maybe Debian on servers if I get tired of managing my Gentoo box.