Posted February 17, 2014

I am quiet the LoZ nut, I remember holding up the box for the first game at a store here when I was rather young and going "I WANT THIS PLEASE" with a stupid grin on my face, and I was hooked ever since. I recently just picked up the Super Famicom cart of A Link to the Past from hit-japan (the English carts are a bit pricy and I got this for 6 bucks) and I'm stoked to get it. I'm not sure what happened to my English copy sadly. I remember Link's Awakening, it was one of my favourite hand-held games other than Kid Dracula, ALttP for GBA, and Yggdra Union. Up until the release of Mother 3 those were all ones I'd go back to playing a lot. Congrats again on this accomplishment and I recommend giving OoA/OoS a go next. :)

I don't know, I just started the game but there are too many cutscenes for now.
Post edited February 17, 2014 by Theta_Sigma