wpegg: Wrong on so many levels I'm afraid.
KOTOR 2 wasn't Bioware, You could enter into a kind of relationship with Handmaiden if you played a male character, and the already made point - Kreia's jugs were not the focus of the old witch.
Can I also just say that I'm very disappointed with what this topic turned out to be. I thought you'd just missed a question mark of the title, and had one going spare.
You shut the hell up. It's assholery like that that makes life miserable for people with actual lives. "OMG! Star Trek's first episode was really a two-parter but was filmed later and so was broadcast later even though it was written first chronologically!" And wtf does a question mark have to do with anything? No one asked for your approval, so no one cares if you're "disappointed". Go post your blog in ED or SA or whereever the hell self-important pricks who think they're the end-all be-all of the internet post their crap.